I feel cheated either way. Over time I got more mechs than I had time to play, up to like 130 some now. In general I spent a lot of time practicing in lobbies and I have never accumulated some huge c-bill surplus. But modules I always skimped on, not because Im a cheapskate........but because they are/were just too expensive for what they do. I used to master mechs.......but that final module slot I didnt usually care about getting. The journey from elite to master to me was always just whenever I felt like playing the mech. I hate switching modules around.........but I don't have time to grind for 10 million cbills or more on modules for a mech AND still grind for engines and more mechs, even as a single loser. I buy my fair share of packs too. But then I heard we were getting a c-bill refund I thought "Ah, finally! Knowing I will get the money back, and knowing I dont have to save for three whole chassis variants anymore to get max benefits under a new system........I can live it up and finally start buying modules!". So I mean yea.........being able to skill out all the mechs I didn't have time to drive fully before will be cool........but I mean so what? The mechs I already didn't level was because of time yes, but I didn't MAKE the time probably because I didn't like them or find any builds for them in the first place, so why would I care to drive them now just because I can immediately max out their skill tree? At the end of the day a Dragon is still a Dragon. Ok or wow I can max level any of the next 50 mechs that come out......thats kinda unfair to assume thats what I want to do or that I'll even be here. Im not buying 15 more mech packs I'll tell ya that.
I also dont understand why anyone cares if some players get billions of cbills back:
1) As stated several other times, theres no actual game economy, every player exists in his own bubble. That argument is stupid.
2) Like yea.......no **** players who have played the game for thousands of hours are gonna get that much back..........and?........
3) What would you be worried about them spending the c-bills on anyway? Again, theres no currency value that can be inflated. Most of those people will get 9 and 10 digit sums back and have nothing to spend it on........or they will get gobtonnes of this GSP stuff and have more of that than they will ever use also........it barely matters for those people ultimately. The people who get screwed over are the ones like me who sorta min/maxed my purchases and allocation of time and resources. I wasn't being a cheapskate, I was doing the intelligent thing and only buying the things I wanted the most that gave me the most satisfaction. Why the **** would I spend 6 million on a ******* module all the time when I could buy an engine thats far more useful or hell an entire mech? What looks more fun? A dongle in a menu or a big stompy robot sitting in your mechbay? So what now YEARS later I'm being punished for that? K, cool. **** you too then. Oh you mean the **** I've said for years about how stupidly expensive modules are finally matters? Wow, told ya so. Gee maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal and you'd only be giving people back manageable amounts if they weren't so god damn expensive in the first place above and beyond their real utilitarian value. Obviously I never would have spent my c-bills that way had I known you were going to pull a bait and switch maneuver later.
Give me my gad damned c-bills back you swine.
Edited by Rando Slim, 04 May 2017 - 09:59 PM.