Jikil, on 26 April 2017 - 08:39 PM, said:
If people keep pushing for the full cbill refund on modules we are going to be stuck with modules for another year and end up with no skill tree.
PGI has plainly stated they aren't going to hand out a billion cbills and I think this is why the first skill tree never went live.
If they want to do it the way they plan it now i gladly wait 10 years for a new skilltree (maybe they will even consider making a REALLY GOOD one instead of this half baked mess)
BUT i will NOT accept that they are about to rob me YEARS of grinding because Russ cant think logically.
just THINK about it.
The money is in the game anyways. some choose to spend it on MECHS and some choose to spend it on MODULES. but it IS in the game either way.
now they want to simply delete everything we paid for modules. and give us gsp in such an excessive amount we can NEVER even spend in the whole lifetime of this game.
i give you an easy example of what pgi actually wants to do here, so everyone can understand the ANGER of module buyers.
What yould you say if Pgi says "we are unhappy with some mechs and will take them out of the game for new ones, but dont worry, we will refund them to you in form of 46000 Gauss/clan gauss rifles you can technically mount on every Mech."
THIS is the exact situation just for us module buyers now.
HOW would you react?? you would SCREAM at the **** pgi wants to do.
I am considering quitting mwo after beeing here since the very first day of closed beta, but i will DEFINETLY demand refunds for all preorders f the last months if they really do this to us
Edited by Meihru, 27 April 2017 - 07:31 AM.