I_AM_ZUUL, on 29 April 2017 - 12:39 PM, said:
Sure, PokeBear is a comp-only mech that is next to useless in solo, very sub-optimal, and a cancer mech that needs to be carried...
Sure. That's why somebody like me, who is terrible in assaults (don't really own any, and certainly don't play them much) ... can accomplish this in solo queue. Somebody like me... who almost never breaks 900 damage.

But maybe if you put four of these cancer meta comp PPC tryhards in the same lance, they'll become an overburden. Too much dead weight that needs to be carried by their team.

Or maybe comp builds are comp builds because they are the best builds. Sure, there are some niche comp builds like 4x cERLL Hellbringers and such which don't work that well in solo, but even those builds aren't used frequently in comp, they only come into play in very niche scenarios. The vast majority of builds that players use in high level comp are pretty much the same builds that they bring to solo and group queue.
Also, ACH? Really? The one mech that the masses complain about the most as being overpowered, impossible to kill, and earning the moniker "Arctic Cheater" and you call it a mech that needs to be carried by its team?
And the RVN-3L? Which hasn't seen competitive use in what... three years?