Again you are confusing the build with selfish play, which is no different from an LRM mech, or laser vomit mech, hiding in the back using fellow pugs as armor. The poptart NTG, the poke bear, the dakka bear (also meta), the Timberbelle (GR/PPC), GHR, BLR etc etc can all fight selflessly, aggressively and as part of the push.
None of your personal anecdotes invalidate any of that. I play most of my games in solo queue by a large margin, 80-90% a month, and see undoubtedly the same guys you do. Its not the mech thats problematic, its the player. Everything you are saying, I can say about useless LRM pilots who hang in the back barely ever hitting targets, or the ERLL scratch and skirmish lights and mediums who die at the very end but claiming their high damage farming was somehow integral to the match, or the light pilot who believes blissfully charging in, popping a uav and dying in the first 2 mins is important info warfare. Those are all forms of selfish play.
Saying a NTG poptart is cancerous because it promotes selfish play flies in the face of all the stupid l, squirrel chasing **** we all see in pug queue. Its not the "meta mechs" holding teams back, its usually bad play. Simple as that. Bad builds iust make it worse, but I dont know of many if any comp builds that really qualify as that.
Edited by Lukoi Banacek, 29 April 2017 - 07:14 PM.