Bishop Steiner, on 04 May 2017 - 03:30 PM, said:
still doesn't look exciting enough to make me give a damn enough to waste time on FW and getting in 1 drop an hour on a good night.
To get this thread back on track (give it a rest ya lore nerds
)...I made a similar point on the announcement thread, and I think that as impressive as the rewards are, Bishop is right. I think that if they want the people who have played CW in the past -and left- to give it a solid effort for this event and to draw noobs and casuals in as well, then rewards will need to be even greater. Like doubling c-bills for participation (not based on win or loss, but a bonus just for playing), that sort of thing.
If you peruse the FP forums over the last year there are several complaints as to why people left, and the rewards they are providing for this event I don't think will be enough to get casuals and FP-expats to return in mass numbers. Sure, as is, there will be a boost relative to the normal barren wasteland of population that normally defines the FP experience, but better/more participation based rewards might attract far more.
I mean, will these rewards overcome the hate/fear many have of the oft cited pug stomping by organized units?
Will these rewards overcome many folks dislike of the time commitment that an FP drop involves?
Will these rewards act to address the concern many have (however irrational) of using TS or discord and dropping with an established unit?
Will these rewards make the "this is hard core mode enter at your own risk" aspect of the advertised FP experience go away for the length of the event?
If the answer to any these questions is "no", then PGI ought to try and come up with motivators that will make the answer turn to "yes" for as many of the casual population -and even the CW haters- as possible. I think a good way to do that would be some sort of greater bonus or prize associated with simply playing and not tied to outcome of the match or the tug-of-war. [And no this isn't some commentary on "special snowflakes" or the "suck it up buttercup" aspects of society. This is just my commentary on how I think PGI could get more people to bother playing the event and hopefully make it more populated and thus more fun for everyone]
PGI: if nothing else think of it this way: if you want people to spend their time acting as targets of abuse for the organized groups that usually dominate FP (this is the perception of FP that a lot of folks express), then make it worth the while for people to act as those targets. The current rewards may not be enough incentive, however great those rewards may be. Including better and greater rewards for per match play not based on outcome of the match, the day or the tug-of-war might help in that regard.