Then Free Worlders, and their Blakie masters. Snakes. Those pesky gorram krauts in the "Alliance." OWAs. Legionaires. Bull Heads. Clanners. And, finally, anyone else that doesn't proudly wear a Sword 'n Sunburst.
Any questions?
<<EDIT>> Just as a heads-up, my daddy served with 3/7th Crucis during the Third War, and I served with 2/7th Crucis during the Fourth, the '39 dust-up, and the recent unpleasantness with the canister kids. Anyone that has anything un-nice to say about the Broken Wheel Charioteers, the Crucis March, or the FedSuns in general, can come say it to my Marauder. We clear?
Edited by Gundancer, 14 September 2012 - 06:43 PM.