ingramli, on 09 May 2017 - 04:10 AM, said:
I'm not going to claim to be wildly experienced at losing a ST in every Clan mech, but in the Clan mechs I run you're basically dead anyway.
My Hellbringer is a solid mech. If it loses the left torso you might as well eject because no weapons. If it loses the right torso. . .you might as well eject. You're moving about 60KPH at that point and your agility has gone to crap. All those heatsinks you had to stuff into it so you could fire more than one alpha before overheating are now toast. Oh, and the engine nerfs mean you're even hotter. You just can't do anything.
So you know what I do? I keep myself behind cover, minimize the time I spend exposed while firing, and I do this thing that I was told was really important to being a decent Mech pilot. I torso twist. Seems to do the job most of the time.
Also, pro tip for you IS pilots. Firing your huge ballistics, twisting, and then immediately twisting back to face the opponent before you can fire again isn't a path to success. I absolutely do not mind waiting less than two seconds for you to give me another shot at your face. That's just another two seconds to cool off.
Oh, and the fact that you think STD engines can't be competitive? Let's see. What advantage does the IS have over the Clans? Weapon damage? No. Weapon range? Not really. Heat? Yes, of course, but I'm looking for something else here. What could it be? Oh, that's right. They're much, much, much, much more durable! All those armor and structure quirks. That tonnage advantage. But nah. Let's ignore that and make ourselves much more fragile so we can slap in another weapon or two and try to beat the Clans at their own game.