El Bandito, on 19 May 2017 - 03:18 AM, said:
What does this mean? The math clearly shows that IS mechs actually die FASTER than Clan mechs if they were even tonned, and this is did not even factor in the additional "ghost tonnage" durability quirks provide. So yeah, Clan tech is still superior, and Clan/IS XL still need to be balanced.
Ok, lets do soemthign relevant:
We know after tuk1 clans got a lot nerfs and IS a lot buffs.
tuk 1
Total Mechs destroyed: 961,974
Total Clan Mechs destroyed: 481,187
Total IS Mechs destroyed: 480,787
tuk 2
Total Mechs destroyed: 559033
Total Clan Mechs destroyed: 276205
Total IS Mechs destroyed: 282828
tuk 3
Total Mechs destroyed: 1,117,721
Total Clan Mechs destroyed: 534,019
Total IS Mechs destroyed: 583,702
So the IS to clan k/d ratio is:
tuk 1
tuk 2
So over all 3 tukayyids the clans have doing better and better.
This is especially straneg for tuk1 -> tuk2 because that was when clans got a lot of nerfs and a lot of buffs handeled to the Is. How do you explain that? How did so many nerfs to the clans make them still perform better? What makes you think that nerfing the XL (or balancing as you said) will actually cause the effect you think it will?
Tuk 3 made clans perform even better than in tuk1 and tuk 2? whats the explanation now? how further do you want the can XL beeing nerfed until you think this is beeing reflected in the stats?
You would ahve to nerf it to a degree where all proper skilled palyers suddenly only choose IS mechs then the next result would be like 0.6 ratio as all people with proer skills choose the better tech and go IS for quick and easy wins. How cna constant nerfs and reblances lead to the currently worse result? did the balance attemps even truly balance anything? probably not. So stop crying for the further nerfs you always call for as they seem to NOT have any effect as you wanted them to.
Edited by Lily from animove, 19 May 2017 - 04:22 AM.