My uncle, Mark Garret, who died a couple years ago used to be a PC gamer for as long as i can remember. He is the reason i am a PC gamer now and not a console gamer. Because my uncle influenced me to become a PC gamer, i discovered MW4:Vengeance(the first time i was exposed to anything BT related).
When he played his PC games, his callsign was always "NinthDoctor" because he was a hard core Doctor Who fan. But when he died, i decided i wanted to make his gamertag a family tradition to honor him. So that's where the "Dr." part of my name came from. I was originally going to call myself "TenthDoctor", but i'm not a doctor who fan....but I am a Goth and i was in the proccess of creating a new gamertag for online gaming. So the name death came naturally since i'm a Goth...thus the name Dr.Death was born.
As for my sig, somebody on the forums here made it for me but the concept is mine. I basically have created a character called Dr.Death and i occasionally act "in character" in online gaming as Dr.Death similar to how MW players will occasionally act "in character" as a clanner using the clan lingo and putting freebirths in their place. When i act in character, i'm not a clanner, i'm just a mercenary who takes pride in his occupation of prescribing death to his enemies if the C-bills are right.
Edited by XxDRxDEATHxX, 06 March 2012 - 07:04 PM.