It's No Wonder Few Play Faction...
Posted 21 May 2017 - 09:42 PM
1- Queue splitting should never happen. That's the wrong move, and it encourages bad behavior, and bad play.
2- FW should never be for solo play. Understand: Not "solo playERS", solo play. That mentality should never be permitted in FW, it always guarantees defeat.
3- I've been in matches where pugs beat units. I've also been in matches where pugs got rolled by units. They all boil down to a few factors:
A- Clear, and constant communication (no, Dave talking about his burrito from last night, is not communication),
B-good builds (frankly speaking, if you don't have a decent build for FW, why are you in FW? Complaining that your plastic spork can't drill the hole you need in the cement wall is not the wall's fault. You brought the spork), bringing bad builds makes you actively detrimental to your team.
C- Understanding the objectives of the match
D- Understand the common tactics most used by players, and how to counter them.
4- Units don't have any magical trinket that grants them victory. They are using mechs that everyone else is using. They use comms that everyone else has (For cryin' outloud, do you guys know how hard, and long, we campaigned to get in-game VoIP?).
The mechs, builds, and tactics are all available to both sides. If you don't use the tools being handed to you, you will fall over and over again, and the blame would rest on you alone.
FW is basically where the competitive mindset comes into play. People optimize builds, and performance to suit the mode.
Posted 21 May 2017 - 09:50 PM
justcallme A S H, on 21 May 2017 - 08:32 PM, said:
lol ye pulling a 2.5-4k match, while awesome, is often quite painful in some ways as you HAVE to be paying attention for the entire duration of a match. If you've got even just a small 4-man, it's usual far less stressful/more enjoyable I find - especially as half the time you're just laughing at how many bad builds there are.
It's nonstop stress. My FW builds are made for team play, not solo Rambo style. FW solo means constant awareness and stress because I can't rely on teammates if some rabid enemy wants to facetank me.
And regarding the OP's builds, cater your deck to the map and mode. Don't bring short range to long range maps and vice versa (exceptions are Lights for last drop or if you're in a group with a plan). Don't bring blazing builds to hot maps. Almost no map will let you get the most out your current deck. I have three decks: range, brawl, and cold. Even then I'll tweak my deck for specific maps and modes (like faster mechs for Conquest on larger maps). Drop with groups and keep playing and you'll figure out what you need.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 12:41 AM
The utterly terrible Siege maps drove people away in bunches during the first few weeks, and the lack of matchmaking did the rest via slow bleeding. CW started dying less than a month after its release, because people realized its bad. Which it, for the most part, still is.
What is left is a gamemode for a tiny, for the most part low skilled, part of MWOs playerbase. There are probably not enough people playing it to attempt matchmaking at this point. It's too late. CW is what it is, and it will never change to a gamemode that a considerable amount of MWOs playerbase plays on a regular basis.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 12:52 AM
The few matches I won during invasion game modes on IS side where exclusively against PuG groups with less than 4 matching unit sigs in the drops.
The tendency for nonaffilated PuG players to use sub trialmech builds seem to be stronger than with IS.
Also the preference of for the BLR(2C) in IS drop decks is a long standing thing and actually a symptom of how hard the IS mechs scrabble against their clan oponents because it is literaly the only IS mech left that is viable for all Invasion FP scenarios.
And concerning the 12 versus PuG issue.
Same answer as the last 4 years.
Either git extremely gud or join a unit and drop with them.
The sign at the frontporch of FP says clearly there is no regulation and you get eaten when you are inexperienced or alone.
FP is not for beginners.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 01:18 AM
The Basilisk, on 22 May 2017 - 12:52 AM, said:
The few matches I won during invasion game modes on IS side where exclusively against PuG groups with less than 4 matching unit sigs in the drops.
The tendency for nonaffilated PuG players to use sub trialmech builds seem to be stronger than with IS.
Also the preference of for the BLR(2C) in IS drop decks is a long standing thing and actually a symptom of how hard the IS mechs scrabble against their clan oponents because it is literaly the only IS mech left that is viable for all Invasion FP scenarios.
And concerning the 12 versus PuG issue.
Same answer as the last 4 years.
Either git extremely gud or join a unit and drop with them.
The sign at the frontporch of FP says clearly there is no regulation and you get eaten when you are inexperienced or alone.
FP is not for beginners.
That sign/disclaimer even though digitally, is not worth the bits necessary to deliver it. No one reads it, no one refrains from either coming to the forums to express their dissatisfaction of what seemingly makes up half the game or - worse - silently leaves MWO altogether.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 03:08 AM
The Basilisk, on 22 May 2017 - 12:52 AM, said:
Same answer as the last 4 years.
Either git extremely gud or join a unit and drop with them.
The sign at the frontporch of FP says clearly there is no regulation and you get eaten when you are inexperienced or alone.
FP is not for beginners.
And this is the same answer that has lead to CW being a deserted wasteland pretty much no one cares for.
This playerbase is, as a whole, way too casual, and the average skill floor is way too low for "git gud or join a unit" fixing anything. People won't git gud, and they won't join a unit, they will simply abandon CW and never look back, which they did in droves.
On top of that, the vast majority of players that got extremely gud and are able to dominate in a highly competitive environment left CW aswell, because they grew tired of playing with and against the average sub-T5 players that populate CW. There is a reason for the fact that not a single of MWOs top tier unit plays CW regulary, and it's not that this gamemode is too competitive for them (kek).
When giving the same answer for 4 years doesn't work at all to populate CW, maybe it's time to reconsider the answer? PGIs "no regulation this is oh so hardcore" approach obviously failed. It trainwrecked hard.
Isn't even worth debating about though. CW is done. PGI won't do anything to revive it.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 03:57 AM
Never did any posts like "oh PGI I need matchmaker / divide the queues / I can't win because of 12s stomping me every time".
And I can't understand all these posts. If you want to fight pug vs pug or group vs group - go play QP. Quickplay system is honest. But CW was meant to be unhonest and this is the charm of the mode.
"Utterly terribad CW maps" and ability to play these maps at least sometimes - this is one of two things that keeps me from complete leaving. I've spent a year in CW playing every night until FP4.1 came out.
And I consider QP maps are utterly terribad.
But it's just my own humble opinion.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 04:02 AM
Spunkmaster, on 21 May 2017 - 05:26 PM, said:
Let me add, that it is now time to even up the drop decks again. Since the May 17th patch, I have seen IS stomp after IS stomp. How long do a bunch of HBRs stand up against a BLR rush? Not long at all...
You relied on ERPPC, Gauss, and LRM vomit to carry you to victory like you were playing QP.
That mentality failed you in spectacular ways. I bet not a single one of your "team" used VOIP to say anything except how bad everyone was.
Your "team" scattered all across the map and most were off doing their own thing, like it was QP.
Your "team" had DC's once they saw they were going to have a fight instead farming IS PUGs.
Your "team" had 4-6 LRM boats on the field at once, sitting in your base.
You only got 13 kills because 4 of us ran out of ammo and ejected.
You knew this is the game mode when you clicked OK on the warning message. This is what you accepted to encounter.
If you are going to play CW as it is QP with respawn with the same mentality and solo then it is only you that can make any improvements.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 04:06 AM
justcallme A S H, on 21 May 2017 - 06:44 PM, said:
It's once again falling squarely at the players feet and inability to play to the strengths.
I had a match against you over the weekend ASH, myself and a couple friends.
Guy in charge wanted to go to the low ground in Alpine surrounded by mountains. Your team just had to take the high ground and with your range, pestered our side. Insisted each drop, low ground, fish in a barrel. Yelled at people for not walking into certain death. Just would not listen....
So pissed off at the ignorance, just gave up.

Posted 22 May 2017 - 04:08 AM
Cox Devalis, on 22 May 2017 - 03:57 AM, said:
"Utterly terribad CW maps" and ability to play these maps at least sometimes - this is one of two things that keeps me from complete leaving. I've spent a year in CW playing every night until FP4.1 came out.
And I consider QP maps are utterly terribad.
But it's just my own humble opinion.
Sure, it's an opinion you are entitled to have. Sadly for CW, it's an opinion the vast majority of this games playerbase (probably 90+%) does not share.
For the longest time of CWs existence, it has been a ghost town. It has been a ghost town when we only had CW maps. Given this game has no lore/immersion/space politics/logistics both in CW and QP, the main difference between CW and QP were
- Respawns
- Matchmaking
- Maps
Whichever you want to put more blame on, PGIs approach for CW failed, and it failed hard.
Edited by meteorol, 22 May 2017 - 04:10 AM.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 04:10 AM
Spunkmaster, on 21 May 2017 - 06:54 PM, said:
I beg to humbly disagree. What was learned was not to play faction warfare. Pitting a 12-man unit, with team practice, mech coordination, good communication skills and leadership, against a mixed group of solos is like matching the Yankees against a pick-up team of random players who think they can play.
Based on your advice, I tried again. And the same thing happened only worse. 8-48. This is why more pilots don't play FW. If this is their first experience, why would they want to continue?
I could list a whole lot of things, without malice, that you could have done better but that would mean self reflection and improvement and only a couple have to do with the game mode at all.
By your post it reads that is is the games fault and you have nothing to learn from your errors but to take your mechs and go to QP.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 04:19 AM
TWIAFU, on 22 May 2017 - 04:06 AM, said:
I had a match against you over the weekend ASH, myself and a couple friends.
Guy in charge wanted to go to the low ground in Alpine surrounded by mountains. Your team just had to take the high ground and with your range, pestered our side. Insisted each drop, low ground, fish in a barrel. Yelled at people for not walking into certain death. Just would not listen....
So pissed off at the ignorance, just gave up.

I don't recall, i was drunk lol.
But ye the "PUG" drop caller that has absolutely no clue how to play that jumps up and down at everyone, they always make me laugh. Hence I drop call less and less these days.
Since most of the good FP people left after FP3 and since QP4.1 the terribad have invaded... It's just impossible now unless they are in a group on TS - I just don't bother the standard of player is that low now.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 04:24 AM
justcallme A S H, on 22 May 2017 - 04:19 AM, said:
I don't recall, i was drunk lol.
But ye the "PUG" drop caller that has absolutely no clue how to play that jumps up and down at everyone, they always make me laugh. Hence I drop call less and less these days.
Since most of the good FP people left after FP3 and since QP4.1 the terribad have invaded... It's just impossible now unless they are in a group on TS - I just don't bother the standard of player is that low now.
Glad you don't remember!

ALWAYS hoping for a good fight, like right down to the wire/last second, with familiar names. Sadly was not going to happen.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 04:26 AM
For the longest time of alternative music existence, it has been a ghost town. It has been a ghost town when we only had New Order and Public Image Limited on stage. the main difference between pop and alternative were
- Rhythm
- Texts
- Sound
Whichever you want to put more blame on, alt.rock approach for music stage failed, and it failed hard.
[kiddin', don't take it personally]
Edited by Cox Devalis, 22 May 2017 - 04:28 AM.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 05:51 AM
Posted 22 May 2017 - 08:07 AM
So let me be inexplicably clear...
Stop pugging in CW, for God's sake!
Your solution to all the "problems" of Community Warfare is to play it as a community. Hence, you should not drop alone. You should drop with a group of friends, or better yet, drop alongside a major unit or team.
There are many, many, many teams of various skill levels and fighting styles who are ready and willing to recruit all types of players. Everyone from hardcore competitive guys who do tournaments like 228th to Community Warfare specialists like 420-Mobility and Kell's Commandos to lore-based units with trials and tests like Clan Wolf International and Jade Falcon's 79th Raptor Talon Cluster has units formed up and regularly play.
Community Warfare is not the time for 12-Rambo pug-life time. Pugs don't get their tags on planets. They don't get on the leaderboards. They don't get the credit, the glory, the speciality, or more importantly, the win.
If you want to "win" and alleviate the "problems" you are having with Community Warfare, do two things:
1. Read this.
2. Read THIS
3. Drop with a team/join a team/form a group using LFG, VOIP, and take command.
Here's a good list of Clan/mercenary teams to start exploring, with Discords and Teamspeaks.
Edited by Commander A9, 22 May 2017 - 08:09 AM.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 08:12 AM
Dont like only three things about it.
Invisible walls, non stop dropship bugs & people that rather blame the game then themself .
Not saying that i am pro,,, actually got my *** stomped time & again last night.
That basically means i suck.
So will keep trying to get better at the game until i have interest in playing it .
Is the MWO balanced or not , non of my concern .
Have seen people do great on both side of the fence
regardless of what the gen pop are flapping their mouths at .
Actually kind of disappointed that not every drop i have is not vs. 12 guys from single unit.
Would have been great and force people to group up more.
Posted 22 May 2017 - 08:20 AM
When freelancers realized they couldn't get a match or how bad fellow freelancers were playing, they made one-man units.
The cue split was rolled back in less than 24 hours. XD Community Warfare's finest-shortest hour! XD
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