Here's the bigger issue, I've a 2000 DPI mouse and before the patch, an in-game sensitivity of 0.13 was perfect for my aim and performing torso twisting. Now, I've tried reducing it to the lowest possible setting of 0.1, and it is still to high for me. To compound matters, having to go to lower sensitivity to accommodate the new arm speed makes torso twisting extremely awkward as my desktop table has limited space for a big mousepad to perform wide horizontal motions.
Don't ask me to upgrade my table. This setup has served me well for years on all the games I played, as well as MWO before this new arms sensitivity. Now I'm even considering having to buy a new mouse with a lower DPI, just to continue to play this game which frankly is a waste of money when arms sensitivity value is the real issue.
Is the new arms sens causing anyone else gameplay troubles as well?
Edited by ScrubLord1, 25 May 2017 - 09:17 AM.