Pat Kell, on 03 June 2017 - 08:53 AM, said:
That's the second time you have said this and refused to give any back up statements. Neither myself nor any other person or unit is responsible for or led to the low population numbers we allegedly see in CW currently. People deciding to quit is what led to the low participation rate. Saying anything else is merely anecdotal or completely lacking of any evidence whatsoever. So you are correct, no more comment is needed because nothing you can say would be capable of proving that myself or any other player or unit is responsible for what is happening in CW. It would just be full of anecdotal evidence and gut feelings. Which are necessarily wrong by default, but certainly aren't capable of proving what you are asserting, which is that my mindset is what has caused our current situation.
Thank you for reinforcing what I just said and proving that you are not capable or willing to see beyond the narrow scope you have chosen for yourself. Maybe a little hint: Ask yourself, why people might have chosen to leave. And try to be honest with yourself. You don't even have to admit it here in public, just deep down within yourself.

Which probably all that's ever possible for you to do, since you already acquitted all possible evidence that is not supporting your default mindset.
Whole proof that's needed is a look at the current state of Faction Play/CW. "[color=#959595]
It is ok to farm lower skilled teams if those teams sign up to play in a mode that was designed to not have a matchmaker and pit you against whoever shows up at your doorstep. [/color]"
Have fun clubbing seals and telling yourself that's ok, since... well, the seals did show up on the banks.
Edited by PFC Carsten, 03 June 2017 - 09:07 AM.