As someone who has played MWO sporadically for a few years, but only seriously for a brief period, my observations of the Ace of Spades video are:
- 1st game ever playing? Total BS. He didn't look around his base, or at the other BattleMechs. He ran straight for an exit.
- He ran immediately to a defensible point, agaim, not exploring, and not really following other mechs as a new player is likely to do.
- He appeared to be aiming for HEADSHOTS against the mechs peeking over the ridge. He had the dexterity and confidence to sweep from target to target in the same peek session, which I doubt a first time player would have.
- He aimed at the LEGS of a fast moving Raven as it flashed past...
- He torso twisted INSTINCTIVELY when popping back into cover after sniping. IN HIS FIRST GAME.
- He adjusted his sensitivity on the fly
- He spotted a UAV and engaged it... Also seemed to unlock the aims to aim? Hmmm... a new player VERY familiar with the control layout and purpose.
... I stopped watching. I agree that you can rank up quickly with concentrated play time and a good mech, because when I finally had a week of free time during the evening I gained ONE tier and it was more significant experience increase than after a year of sporadic play. But no way could a very new player blitz the tiers, there are too many things to learn first. I just read about another "new" player asking if 1500 damage was a good start a week in... It's more of a trolling thing that a humble brag at that point.
Edited by Sebaztien Hawke, 15 September 2017 - 09:56 PM.