Kiran Yagami, on 05 June 2017 - 11:26 AM, said:
No one forces me to play with anything, but I'd rather not have PGI release more useless mechs. At least release good IS mechs. Mechs we want. Don't release garbage that .0005% of the player base will use in the end. Give us something nice, and omnimechs ain't that.
They did just give us some nice ones. There are only a handful of remaining 'Mechs that are considerably better than what we have now or will have shortly:
Lynx for Medium
Dragonfire and Toyama for Heavy
Sagittaire and Fafnir for Assault
...and nothing at all for Lights; Javelin takes the crown.
I would be happy as pie if they released those, but that's it for IS.
Also, the four IS Omnis I mentioned (Raptor, Men Shen, Blackhawk-KU, and Sunder) are quite good by IS standards. I woukd be happy to have them on their own merits. The rest are mostly piddly and I won't miss them too much.