SeventhSL, on 07 June 2017 - 04:26 PM, said:
Actually you can alph strike with it. I have builds that count on that fact. For example a hellbringer with gauss and er-mediums. Just hold all the fire buttons down and release when the lasers end their burn. Alternatively start charging the gauss as your moving to alpha strike and release it when you start to fire the lasers.
Practice in combination with lasers to help timing. With enough practice it becomes second nature and you not need the lasers for timing anymore.
Hey SeventhSL! I got this tip from you a few years back and it totally worked! I was an absolute hater of Gauss too. First time using Gauss as a rookie...well it didn't go so well. Then, I tried this technique you're talking about, and you're right! Over a short period of time I was able to use Gauss by itself like it was second nature, then graduated to Gauss/PPC alpha timing too. I could even brawl with them, until PGI increased the cool down time months back, and time between shots took too long (violated PGI's 'No Fun Allowed' policy.) I actually got my "Ace of Spades" in the Gauss/laser build you're talking about, and I average around 500 to 800 damage per game with a few 1000+ here and there!
And, like "process" said in his (her) post, the charge-up gives me time to aim, and there's no mouse click to move my radical. So I hit more when I send the pain down range.
Gauss has gone from the last thing I would ever use, to my most favorite gun in the game. So, glad I can finally say a big THANKS for the tip, Seventh!
Now, my fellow mech warriors (potatoes) I have definitely felt your pain with the Gauss charge-up time thing. But, try this out (in the testing grounds first) and you may be pleasantly surprised. I have Gauss and lasers on the same button. When pressed, during the laser burn time the Gauss is charging up too. Usually before the laser burn can finish the gun is charged and ready to fire by releasing the button. Also, the lasers kind of act like a targeting laser from hell and helps with aiming the Gauss too! I also have a dedicated button just for Gauss, for when it gets too hot to fire the lasers.
If you do try it and you still don't like it, there's nothing wrong with that too. Just like anything else in the game, it's not for everyone. GG
Edited by Dollar Bill, 07 June 2017 - 08:16 PM.