Wil McCullough, on 07 June 2017 - 09:47 PM, said:
Iirc, gauss charge up was put in place to make gauss/erppc mechs more challenging to use properly. Without the charge up, single point click component destruction was RAMPANT due to the ppfld and how easy it was to pull off.
If gauss charge up goes, something has to take its place. Energy draw was supposed to, but eventually scrapped. Maybe less pinpoint convergence would be the answer but pgi has never attempted to address convergence issues.
Removing gauss charge up now with the st would undo a lot of pgi's efforts to reign in ppfld. It's not going to happen. Especially with the st and velocity nodes.
How is that any different than what we have using other weapons? Lots of weapons are point and click componant desctructions on a much larger scale. It wasnt that way back then, but it is now. By that reasoning every point and click weapon should have a charge up timer.
Try to imagine what the game would be like if every weapon but missles had a charge up time.. Even small laser boats... just imagine it for a minute... then ask yourself if it still makes sense.
Now imagine a soldier on the ground in syria fighting terrorists. What if his gun didnt fire right away when he pulled the trigger? It would be a useless gun wouldnt it? Thats the gauss rifle. Do you tell the soldier to 'git gud noob'?
The answer is NO. That would be stupid.
As I have already explained, there are other ways to nerf the guass rifle that are not stupid. The charge up timer is stupid.
Edited by Jiang Wei, 07 June 2017 - 10:03 PM.