But this weekend I decided to head down to Rucker Park to play some games there; I heard that there were good games and lots of people watching, so I wanted to make my mark!

So when I got to Rucker Park and walked up to the courts, a bunch of people looked at me funny when I called "I have last down" and got queued up for a game.
One older black gentleman greeted me and politely said "Hey man, you sure you want to try to run with these guys? They play a pretty rough brand of ball around here."
I nodded to him, "Heck yes! And hang around, if you are available when my game starts you can jump in and play with me!"
A few minutes later the teams ahead of me were done playing and I walked on the court to take on the winners of the last game. As I walked up I confidently pointed at three random guys that were hanging around. "There's my squad, let's ball!"
You won't BELIEVE what happened next... these guys on the other team acted like they played together all the time. They were setting screens, throwing touch passes, all sorts of stuff. And on top of that they were GOOD. They were almost all black and several of them dunked the basketball like we weren't even playing defense.

To top it off, everyone on my team was ball-hogging, shooting air-ball threes, playing bad defense and not even calling out when some huge black dude was setting a pick on you. They all sucked. We only had two baskets (I made an awesome three-pointer!).
We got run off the court in less than five minutes.
This is B.S.! New York needs to break up these guys coming down to Rucker Park and playing together all of the time and fix it so that when a game starts, everyone gets random team mates to play with so they can be good! And I am not racist or anything (#blacklivesmatter) but they need to stop all these tall, athletic black guys from getting on a team together and just dunking on everyone.
If the city doesn't do SOMETHING I will stop going to Rucker Park to play basketball, and I guarantee that others will too. Then who will be left to play!?
Thanks for listening,
Edited by Xannatharr, 09 June 2017 - 06:47 AM.