Bishop Steiner, on 14 June 2017 - 04:45 PM, said:
Juodas Varnas, on 14 June 2017 - 12:39 PM, said:
Did you move the Urbie K9s lasers to its side torso?
Wasn't it originally supposed to have 2 CT energy?
Eh, it's probably for the better, though.
wondering about that myself
Bishop Steiner, on 14 June 2017 - 08:42 PM, said:
Audacious Aubergine, on 14 June 2017 - 04:49 PM, said:
There might not actually be space right down the middle to put two lasers, so they've had to offset them to almost be on the side torso. From memory, the CT hitbox on an urbie is actually kinda big and where the lasers are seems to be right on the edge of that. We'll see in a week
visually they appear to be about the same as on the r63. TBH, I'm not concerned, either way, more curious than anything. That physical location is actually better and higher than a true CT mount would have been
Alvar Von Kenesthor, on 15 June 2017 - 01:06 AM, said:
Still, this hero is such a waste... In the Lore there are Urbanmechs like the UM-R68 with missile hardpoints instead of ballistics, there are fanmade dual ballistics urbanmech designs floating around and if you only wanted to make this one a laser boat, it could have featured a simetric build with that of the UM-R63 left side, with 2 laser hardpoints in each side torso and a single one in each arm, that would have kept the "6 hardpoints rule" of the Urbanmech.
If people buy this one would be only because of it's police siren, such potential wasted...
Everyone, keep calm... It looks like either PGI was using a different model in the Introductory Video, or they just didn't use some of the Mech's HardPoints. Why do I say this? Have a look at
the listing for the "UrbanMech 'UM-K9's Base Loadout" @, and notice that there are still claimed CT HardPoint Locations. Sure, we have yet to actually see the Mech, but I think PGI was possibly trying to give an impression of diversity in Loadout.
Genesis23, on 14 June 2017 - 10:21 PM, said:
well i saw an Orion IIC at my IS Orions side, but never another IS Orion in about 30 matches. now its even more than 30 matches in fact. just for the record, im playing in Tier 2.
I'm also a 'Tier 2' (
as of when I'm posting this) here, as well. I guess you and I are getting extremely different seeds on the MatchMaker. Also, it might be a "Time Of Day" thing, now that I think about it.
Genesis23, on 14 June 2017 - 10:21 PM, said:
regarding the sound spam im not really concerned. 1. i will be part of it (sry mate

) and 2. i play mostly fast lights, so i will be faaar away from most of the noise (but experimented a lot with an IS quickdraw and Orion, no idea why those two chassis in particular)
No offense taken... At least, not until you make the mistake of giving away my position while I'm using stealth by being on the same team and standing next to me just when you decide to turn those Lights & Sirens on. That's a reason why PGI should probably restrict the Lights & Sirens to Killing Blow events only, and make them possible to be disabled with the Cockpit Item Key. Otherwise we're looking at a lot of reports under "Griefing >> Assisting The Enemy"...
Gas Guzzler, on 14 June 2017 - 08:23 PM, said:
Maybe on the GHR, but honestly non PPC-Gauss loadouts got buffed more by the skill tree.
Not many loadouts got that kind of buff. Now, please excuse me while I get into a little bit of a rant here, which really is NOT directed at you,
Gas Guzzler... PGI's just got me a tad angry, and this sore spot (
maybe a wound... not sure) keeps getting touched, which keeps causing me to point this out. Just to start, Non-Sniper Weapons, such as...
- I.S. AC/10
- Clan AC/10
- Clan UAC/10
- Clan LB/10-X
- I.S. Large Lasers
- Clan Large Pulse Lasers
...are now all harshly outranging LRMs where they should NOT have such an ability. Worse, the Sniper Weapons...
- I.S. PPC
- Clan ER PPC
- I.S. Gauss Rifle
- Clan Gauss Rifle
- I.S. AC/2
- Clan AC/2
- Clan UAC/2
- Clan LB/2-X
- I.S. AC/5
- Clan AC/5
- I.S. UAC5
- Clan UAC/5
- Clan LB/5-X
- I.S. ER Large Laser
- Clan ER Large Laser
...are now all empowered with free reign over the battlefield, when LRMs used to be able to counter them with some usage of skill to place and plant shots. But no more can LRMs counter Sniper Weapons, as PGI has nerfed LRM Baseline Range way too far. We need at least a minimum of 50 meters added back onto the LRM Baseline Range to equalize and balance against this, especially with consideration of how having either 60% Radar Deprivation, AMS, ECM, and/or 'Simply Ducking For Cover' can all stop a set of LRMs cold in their aerial tracks, and there wouldn't be enough time right now to re-establish the lock for hitting the target, even with another teammate's help. (
Which, by the way, that's a total of 26 ways in which LRMs can be countered right now. That's on the order of an Exploitable Bug that needs fixing!!!) PGI should NOT be "babying the Anti-LRM whiners" by giving them unnecessary protection through Baseline Range nerfs, and those people need to LEARN to actually use cover on the maps like any MWO player should have figured to do already. Sure, LRM users need to share armor if they've brought it to the battlefield, but their weapons are purely DPS, NOT High-Alpha, and therefore they MUST have time to do their work. This unfortunately means they can NOT always be up front when they're supporting against several targets at a time. Spamming multiple LRM launchers at the same moment in a large burst only wastes ammo, as the spread gets way too wide. This unnecessary LRM Baseline Range nerf that PGI did far too much damage to the various Inherent Game Mechanics that LRMs function upon. I could have understood if PGI had taken LRM Baseline Range only from the LRM5 Launcher (
Maybe the LRM10, but not as much of a nerf there), but doing it to all the bigger ones that need more time and distance was way too much. The angles and options available for aiming skills now simply don't go high or wide enough anymore.
So I'm gonna leave this rant here at this point, but I think we can agree that PGI has made one hell of a mistake by nerfing LRM Baseline Range so badly? In my current opinion (
and therefore my verdict), PGI HAS RUINED LRMs NOW, AND THEY'RE NO DAMNED GOOD ANYMORE. There were shots I used to be able to land in order to save teammates under the "Old Skill Tree" System (
Yeah, I actually made use of the "LRMs -- Range Level 5" module series in some of my builds, which boosted to 1100 meters!), and they're now not possible even with the maximum in Range Skill Nodes. I've literally decreased my Faction Warfare playing and general MWO playing, as well as usage of my LRM builds because of it... It's just become a lot harder to keep my attention aimed at MWO. On top of that, PGI has also damaged the insertion point for I.S. MRM and Clan ATM Weapons, between the zones for 'I.S. & Clan Streak SRMs' and 'I.S. and Clan LRM Weapons'... Annoyingly, that's a real shame.
Unfortunately, there's one thing I'll never learn or handle properly because I don't possess the inherent ability in my DNA, and that's brawling. Not everyone is a natural, some just don't have the computer for keeping up with the stress on the system that's involved, and some simply can't get the mental handle of it, but too many have forgotten that THIS IS "MECHWARRIOR ONLINE" and therefore a 'Thinking Man FPS' where strategy is needed, and NOT some crazy "Brawlhalla Online". Frankly, I regret that between family, and a few people on these forums that I was arguing with, that I have succumbed to the impulse of continuing to play on MWO when I was going to quit before. This feels like I've horribly entered the Dark Ages. I can only hope that either PGI listens and fixes LRM Baseline Range now with at least a 50-Meter Buff, or that I finally break myself away from MWO forever, even as much as I like the MechWarrior Game Series. Anywho, outta here for now, see you later...
~Mr. D. V. "
UM-K9 HardPoints... Mech Appearance... Light & Sound... The Sore Spot Over LRM Baseline Range..." Devnull
Edit by Post Author because of Some Missed Thoughts.]
Edited by D V Devnull, 15 June 2017 - 03:28 AM.