Chris Lowrey, on 19 June 2017 - 12:21 PM, said:
1.) Busy.
2.) The C-ER Medium changes are mostly about bringing them closer into alignment with both other Inner Sphere energy weapons, and have a bit more give and take within the clan weapon lineup given the naturally high punch the weapons are known for. For the IS-LL, that will be a good question for a stream or podcast, as this was something where there where multiple factors that lead to the change coming from where we wanted to position the IS-LL looking at the full weapon lineup. Its something that I can't really explain in a timely manner without making this a huge forum post. But overall, we are keeping an eye on it.
3.) Comes with the job. If I had an issue with it, I wouldn't be working on balance in the first place.
4.) No. Paul is still the Lead Designer. I'm just another designer on the team.
5.) Yes.
6.) We try to be as forward as we can in the Patch notes, and I try to make myself available in Patch day streams in case any lingering questions crop up. Beyond that I can clear something up if there is a misconception floating around, but overall forums are typically a poor venue to discuss changes for me because whatever I throw out needs to be concise enough that I can walk away from a post and focus on my actual work. Which not only takes time to type up, but also typically comes with an expectation of follow up answers that I simply can't guarantee. Podcasts and streams are a better venue to discuss those kinds of things because if there is any confusion about an answer, Stream chat can let the moderators know that we need to elaborate more on something.
Alright, Chris, I'll trust you with the LL. I, personally, think the duration nerf was unwise but if this could be changed? Np. I'll try this out and see how things go.
Thank you very much. I know that this may perhaps seem like a small gesture to you but it's something that I think a few of us, I can't speak for the majority, but just a few of us would like more open communication like this.
In return for your kind gesture, I offer one myself.
BALANCE MASTER. WORTHY SUCCESSOR TO PAUL! /cue ominous music and pointing.
You've earned your shot, Chris. Make it a good one!
*Also. Since you're new-ish to the company and maybe new to the forums, I'm the resident joke-poster. If you see a thread created by me it's most often intended in humor or to raise a serious idea. Usually both.
Edited by cazidin, 19 June 2017 - 02:09 PM.