Alan Davion, on 19 June 2017 - 03:18 PM, said:
I never said lights being ninja backstabbers was a bad thing, only that it was the nature of the core game mechanics being so badly broken that it required light mechs to become ninja backstabbers.
See I don't think this is the case either. Light can do so much more than be Ninja Backstabbers and it they are reduced to this, then it is the players who are at fault, not the game mechanics.
The reason I say this is because I run quite a few light mechs contrary to the meta "Must go faster" builds that are so common and I can easily put up numbers with them comparable to what I can in my many of my mediums, heavies and even assault mechs. 400-500 damage, 2-3 Kills per match, a few solo kills, many KMDDs, etc, are all very common with these lights I run and whats more they typically earn more C-bills than any other weight class because I can take advantage of tons of Protected Lights, Flanking, etc while playing these mechs and builds.
So, no, I don't believe that it is broken game mechanics that hold light mechs back, rather it is a majority of players that think there is only one "Correct" way to play a light mech that is holding them back.
Deathlike, on 19 June 2017 - 03:21 PM, said:
I hate to tell you, but most of the duration increases on most of the laser changes is specifically to "counter" the effect of the skill tree (aka duration nodes virtually mandatory) and not much else.
Then you have a broken skill tree. A player shouldn't have to invest points in laser duration nodes just to make the weapon tolerable to use in game. I mean the whole point of the skill tree was that it gives us players options right? As soon as they make something required in the skill tree, then the choices go away.