Ultimax, on 21 June 2017 - 11:44 AM, said:
I keep looking at all of the changes, and feel like the balance team has decided to balance around the lower tier players - and if that is your goal I would honestly love to know upfront so I can stop caring about it and move on.
First, lower and less skilled players are the vast majority of the players. So you have to take them into account. Top players can always adapt and find ways to shine.
You can't just make everything perfect for the 5% and expect a great game. I don't know any game that has ever balanced this way. If something was easy cheese in any game, it gets nerfed.
I honestly don't understand how most of the complaining i see is from the T1 folks.(and no i am not directing this at you, i am just saying in general from what i've noticed is all) I run into many in game, and have lots of fun fights with them. Sometimes i win, sometimes they win. In some groups in FW and scouting i have had a similar experience. But typically the ones outraged on the forums have the T1 and say you can't balance around lower players which honestly i don't get. You are not going to have magic balance if you just took the top 100 players and made the game perfectly balanced around the best of the best. It just isn't going to work.
In the end though I guess i just don't get anywhere near as attached to something as some folks. If my top mech/favorite mech gets nerfed then i typically keep playing it anyway. Sometimes i just play something new because. But in all my years of online gaming, basically since Online gaming has been a thing. (aka early 90's) I have never once said.. Well now i have zero fun because of some nerf/change. So my favorite weapon isn't that great anymore, or my favorite strat doesn't rule.. (6 ling rush anyone?) No i hated that, thank the maker blizzard nerfed that! More often than not a a nerf is warranted and often because it was such cheese in the first place.
Yes my tastes have changed over time, and sometimes i just stop playing games, but its never been because of a nerf/change, more my tastes are different.
But what i find so interesting is a game like this that is 100X harder to balance from the amount of combos on mechs that people don't understand what is so hard about it making it perfectly balanced. Games like starcraft, or DOTA, or overwatch which has locked up characters for the most part has tons of balance/tweaks over the years. Heck even starcraft still gets tweaked and it has had the same units for years. Sometimes people like um, others people don't. But it is a far simpler game to balance because a unit/character is played one way and not modified. It's not tweaked with different weapons, or heatsinks, or engine size or what ever. there are just so many variables.
That is one reason why i think engine desync is going to be the best step in the right direction in a long time. Taking away the ability to change a mechs mobility outside of top speed is a huge game changer in the balance department. I think in the long run people are going to realize this. the last month has proven that mobility is a key factor in mech balance, that has nothing to do with weapon changes. It also gives us a reason to use other mechs. Need something more mobile, play X mech, want something a bit less mobile with more firepower play Y mech. Not min/max so you can have the best of both worlds by swapping engines because it can boat up a certain weapon and become OP because of it.
New tech is coming, the skill tree changes are nice.. But people keep conflating the skill tree with the global changes which are mobility/heat changes. They did not need to add the skill tree to make this change. I honestly i think they should of done back in the winter, just to prove that, but i don't call the shots. So now people are saying my mech suchs, skill tree sucks, no fun.. blah blah. And maybe that is the way they think, i dunno.
All i can say is i've been having lots of fun playing around with lots of mechs i haven't played in years, and my top mechs are still a ton of fun. I will say i have tried a few that i didn't like all that much, or just was not that great in, but that's nothing new. I had mechs i sucked in before. They are just a bit different now.
Maybe it's because i like to play what i like to play, and often it is not what the people think as the best.. though changes happen and sometimes what i like becomes best.. I recall back when i was using MPL's on mechs and people would say all the time how bad they were because they ran hotter. But for me i did well in a bunch of mechs that i had um loaded up on. Then a change hit and all of a sudden MPL's were the goto weapon, then LPL's became that.
To me if there is one goto weapon, which this game has had quite a few times then something is off.
I'll just end by saying that i think we are headed in a better direction.. far better than when Boating SRM's on a jenner, Or AC5+PPC pop tart victors ruled the day.. and better than when the laser vomit was a thing, or the over quirked TDR's.. I do think that the idea of using those mechs should be viable in those ways.. But they should not be the Best way to play.
I am just waiting for another every mech leader board again to see if things change in the next few months. Because i honestly don't want to see the game in the state it was the last time, when you could run through the list and outside of heavies you could count the mechs on the list on one hand. And people are often pointing to that time as the best balance, which i just don't understand how people could say that.
But as chris said, everyone has an opinion.. this is mine.
happy gaming!
Edited by JC Daxion, 21 June 2017 - 01:01 PM.