Andi Nagasia, on 01 July 2017 - 10:13 AM, said:
im ganna assume nether of you are Programmers,
their can be many problems with this,
i dont know all the problems they experience with their Version of CryEngine,
but as such let me infer with my Programing Knowledge
i dont think this would be an easy copy past Dynamic Crits from Endo into HGauss or LBX20,
you have to make sure those Crits are adjacent(Component wise) to each other, as per TT Rules and Lore,
mount it in your LA you cant have the the Dynamic Crits going to your RA,
also with the LBX20(if its mounted in your STs) you can move point into your CT Arms or Legs,
so you can have a LFE, LBX20 in your LT, and the over flow Crits in your LL, which also has destruction Rules,
where if you lose your leg the LBX20 no longer works, which also has to be programed in,
programing isnt as easy as you would think,
not to mention MWO is built on Cry3, which is a 6 year old Engine, thats been heavily modified,
No one said copy endo...
But since endo can already detect whether there are empty slots and assign them, means they can code that in.
Whats left? location? tt rules
only nearby locations max 2 locations per weapon.
ac20, uac20, lb20x can go into adjacent arm, side torso or ct, while heavy gauss can only go into ct.
Side torso will default into ct unless theres something there blocking it otherwise it will go into arm
Arm must always go to st so no problem here, put exception if you cant write algorithm for it.
You can manipulate location by putting stuff in dynamic slots just as with endo to save on extra coding.
I mean yeah, it only need to look at those locations excluding everything else.
1st year students learn how to solve such problems.
Now you can have fun with how accurate to tt rules you want to be.
1)it got crits in both locations.
-you can go so far as accurate implementation of crits, if shared gets crit it goes to weapon, or
-you can simply ignore those slots as uncritable such as endo and just go with xl coding to enforce disabling weapon after shared location is destroyed.
2)weapon arcs, if you share crits you get most restrictive arc.
-you can ignore that completely.
-you can go easy way and lock arms to torso if its shared, already have that function just enforce it in this situation.
-you can do it accurately and lock arms side movement making them into effectively kgc arms.
Imo either option for 1 and 2 would be fine with me.
Also yeah, i dont know what problems they might have with cryengine but neither does you, there might be problem or there might be none.
So instead of defaulting to problems, ill just assume theres none as this is what evidence or its lack shows.
Edited by davoodoo, 01 July 2017 - 10:36 AM.