Nerf The Friggin Lrms!
Posted 04 July 2017 - 04:03 PM
Even my lrm boat now kinda useless if I chainfiring lrm5. It just evaporates before hit any targets.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 05:19 PM
And you only REALLY get annihilated if you're narced.
If you have an ECM mech on your team (hold Q look for the eyeball) scoot up next to them.
Or you could be a complete ******* and stand behind one of your larger team mates....
Posted 04 July 2017 - 05:27 PM
Goggles Paesano, on 04 July 2017 - 02:44 PM, said:
For any who actually had something constructive to say. Thank you.
I understand the concepts but hiding behind a building all day is not fun and not fair to your team. Neither is trying to move out from behind cover and getting locked on by four lurm boats... especially if you are in a slow moving mech. Thats what I call dying time in less then 30 seconds. and thats no fun at all.
Maybe its just me and I've been getting the short end of the stick lately but the LRMs have seemed to be more powerful in the last couple of weeks but I've talked to others in the game that think the same thing so.....
Can I suggest a couple of thing for you to try then.
Dont play a slow mech, try a faster medium with ECM and see if you have a better experience.
Try a sniper build as they almost always last longer than other as they stay behind the main line.
It is very common that new players start playing a Assault or heavy straight away thinking that bigger is better and safer. All of these are not true. You are a primary target for any and all long range weapons and will draw fire. If you dont position well you will be focused down very quickly.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 06:22 PM
vandalhooch, on 04 July 2017 - 03:12 PM, said:
You created the stereotypical newb "X killed me so X needs to be nerfed" thread.
You created a thread on a topic that has been covered over and over again in the last few weeks.
You take more experienced players explaining how to mitigate the effectiveness of LRM's as braggadocio.
Maybe a PvP game forum isn't for you personally.
I created a stereotypical newb thread? Sorry I broke your laws and I beg forgiveness(not) oh Honored One. May I ask, if I could see where these laws say that one such as myself must be pounced upon in the the name of the Great Ones?
First I'm told there is no problem but then I'm told that this has been brought up before, a lot. Well, maybe if it has been brought up a lot, maybe, just maybe, that would be evidence that there is a problem. Sounds logical to me.
I'm sorry if it was brought up before but, you see, I have a 12+ hour a day job and a family and I just don't have the time to live in this forum... but who would want to with the seemingly high percentage of know it all wind bags who seem to think their excrement does not emit a foul odor?
I'll listen to advice from anyone, more experienced or not. The name calling, those cute little videos, and the general demeaning attitude of quite a few who graced us with their presence was uncalled for. Its not all their fault though... some people just did a poor job of raising their children.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 06:37 PM
Brain Cancer, on 04 July 2017 - 03:32 PM, said:
You were laughed at by experienced players for stating a series of factually incorrect statements.
LRMs already have a significant spread, to the point where anything bigger than an LRM 5 is guaranteed to at least whiff a missile or two on a standing, immobile target. Larger launchers are even worse. 40 LRMs fired your way will almost certainly not deal 40 damage even if you're a perfect target, and definitely not if you're even moving at modest speeds. A good rule of thumb for an LRM boat is 33% of it's damage is wasted on non-vital components due to spread, never mind whiffed missiles entirely.
AMS, like everything else is more effective in numbers. Three people with AMS will reduce anything short of obscene LRM salvos to the occasional point of damage (or, a single triple-AMS type like a Kit Fox.), especially Clan LRMS (which take more AMS damage due to "streaming" fire). Again, you're in newbieville- people at that level don't take AMS because they're foolish, while more experienced players don't take it because they're simply better at dodging missiles.
You weren't attacked for having an opinion.
You were laughed at by experienced players for stating a series of factually incorrect statements.
The fact that you see a difference is very telling.
I have AMS.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 06:48 PM
A Really Old Dude, on 04 July 2017 - 05:27 PM, said:
Can I suggest a couple of thing for you to try then.
Dont play a slow mech, try a faster medium with ECM and see if you have a better experience.
Try a sniper build as they almost always last longer than other as they stay behind the main line.
It is very common that new players start playing a Assault or heavy straight away thinking that bigger is better and safer. All of these are not true. You are a primary target for any and all long range weapons and will draw fire. If you dont position well you will be focused down very quickly.
Thanx... Yes, The problem is much more noticeable with my bigger mechs. I have mechs from all four classes and I enjoy playing them all, even the bigger ones but if you are targeted by multiple LRM boats you're in for a world of hurt unless you hide behind cover the whole time. I wont do that because I need to help my team. I mean obviously the name of the game is not Hide Behind A Building Warrior Online lol. I'm sorry but if the LRM situation forces me to drop an entire weight class, then it is a problem that needs to be addressed, in my opinion.
BTW, My favorite play style is what you suggested a fast light or medium armed with sniper type weapons. I get in the rear and force the enemy to notice me, taking some of the heat off my team... I also hear that I should've stuck with the group a lot. You just can't make everyone happy. Sometimes though, I just want to take out one of the big boys and do some brawling.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 07:03 PM
And it's awesome to see and hear "warning, missiles etc.etc." all match long, every match.... and not even one single missile hit me, thanks to cover and radar depr.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 07:14 PM
Goggles Paesano, on 04 July 2017 - 06:22 PM, said:
I created a stereotypical newb thread? Sorry I broke your laws and I beg forgiveness(not) oh Honored One. May I ask, if I could see where these laws say that one such as myself must be pounced upon in the the name of the Great Ones?
Look. Be a churlish child if you wish. No one is impressed by it.
Or, they did the same thing you did. Complained about something that they clearly don't understand at all.
And some how all those "windbags" don't have jobs? Only you have a busy real life? Child.
Irony meter just pegged out.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 07:22 PM
Posted 04 July 2017 - 07:54 PM
Posted 04 July 2017 - 08:16 PM
vandalhooch, on 04 July 2017 - 07:14 PM, said:
Look. Be a churlish child if you wish. No one is impressed by it.
Or, they did the same thing you did. Complained about something that they clearly don't understand at all.
And some how all those "windbags" don't have jobs? Only you have a busy real life? Child.
Irony meter just pegged out.
I'm childish because I didn't bend to your will and accept the abuse of you and the master mech warrior bunch or whatever you want to call yourselves? You should really look at this thread without those tinted glasses you use to skew the world to your liking.
I never set out to impress anyone or ask you or anyone else for your approval of my opinion. If my not backing down seems childish to you, well, perhaps you should examine that in detail... perhaps with some type of councilor or therapist.
Yes, of course if someone complains about something that doesn't fit your view they must be wrong. How long have you owned the Battletech franchise?
I don't know what the windbags do for sure. I imagine that they live in their Mom's basement playing video games and asking Mom to get more cheesey poofs when she goes to the store but I could be wrong.
I'm guessing your irony meter works kinda like those tinted glasses? I'm not seeing it. I presented an idea and was attacked for it. My idea wasn't only attacked, I was personally attacked for presenting my idea. I imagine you don't get many people who don't back down from the Stuck Up Super Duper MechWarriors Of Greatness? You see I was raised to treat others with respect until they proved they were not worthy of that respect. I was also raised to stick up for myself.
Apparently you guys were raised to attack others who are different then you, to treat others as if they are beneath you, and to do your best to imagine your superiority. So I stand by my comment and wonder what kind of drugs you are on to think that you can make a case for irony.
Edited by Goggles Paesano, 04 July 2017 - 08:20 PM.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 08:50 PM

Posted 04 July 2017 - 09:05 PM
Goggles Paesano, on 04 July 2017 - 08:16 PM, said:
I'm childish because I didn't bend to your will and accept the abuse of you and the master mech warrior bunch or whatever you want to call yourselves? You should really look at this thread without those tinted glasses you use to skew the world to your liking.
Accept abuse? Most of the initial responses explained (for the thousandth time) that you are completely wrong about the power of LRM's in the game. The rest attempted to throw some humor into a thread that many of us have seen over and over again.
So your response to perceived abuse is to lash out with some of your own?
Care to address the dozen or so posts that explained just how wrong you are about the power of LRM's?
In other words, you just realized that other people in these forums also have jobs and busy lives but instead of admitting you were wrong you are going to double down on the not at all original stereotyping.
You weren't "attacked." Seriously, let go of the persecution complex.
You were dressed down for creating yet another "X is OP, please nerf X" thread. Instead of checking to see if anyone else has already brought up your concern, you went ahead and created your own. You seem to have zero netiquette skills.
You were also dressed down for seemingly not knowing anything about how the game works and the multitude of tactics and strategies for dealing with X.
So joining a forum and creating a duplicate thread of a topic that has been hashed out dozens of times already is showing everyone else respect? You showed all of us that you yourself might not be deserving of respect and your temper tantrum afterwards just cements that opinion.
Cries about not being respected by disrespecting everyone who disagrees with him. Case closed.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 09:44 PM
lurms have a bad problem of being too good at what it specializes at and nothing else - punishing potatoes for doing potato things. any other instance, it's a laughing stock of a weapon.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 10:05 PM
vandalhooch, on 04 July 2017 - 09:05 PM, said:
Accept abuse? Most of the initial responses explained (for the thousandth time) that you are completely wrong about the power of LRM's in the game. The rest attempted to throw some humor into a thread that many of us have seen over and over again.
So your response to perceived abuse is to lash out with some of your own?
Care to address the dozen or so posts that explained just how wrong you are about the power of LRM's?
In other words, you just realized that other people in these forums also have jobs and busy lives but instead of admitting you were wrong you are going to double down on the not at all original stereotyping.
You weren't "attacked." Seriously, let go of the persecution complex.
You were dressed down for creating yet another "X is OP, please nerf X" thread. Instead of checking to see if anyone else has already brought up your concern, you went ahead and created your own. You seem to have zero netiquette skills.
You were also dressed down for seemingly not knowing anything about how the game works and the multitude of tactics and strategies for dealing with X.
So joining a forum and creating a duplicate thread of a topic that has been hashed out dozens of times already is showing everyone else respect? You showed all of us that you yourself might not be deserving of respect and your temper tantrum afterwards just cements that opinion.
Cries about not being respected by disrespecting everyone who disagrees with him. Case closed.
Yes, abuse.. Yes attack.. A quick look back in the thread has me being called names, being called clueless, cute little videos of people laughing(at me I guess)... thats not being attacked? Do you call that constructive criticism or civilized discussion?
Humor? Attacking someone is funny only to the bully doing the attacking
I didn't lash out with abuse, I returned fire.
The dozen or so posts that said, "No you're wrong stupid"? Well, that is a compelling argument. Let me study that a little more in detail... Nope
Funny, I just had a conversation in game about this subject and people outside of the Our Crap Don't Stink Penthouse up here seem to think differently. Of course their wrong because.... reasons.
I get the feeling if I told you the sky was blue you would tell me I was wrong.
Where did you get that I suddenly realize that people have jobs and lives and blah blah? I said that I thought they lived in their Mom's basement playing video games all day waiting for the cheesy poof delivery. I did admit that I might be wrong but still, how did you get what you got out of that?
So, according to "netiquette" how far am I required to look back for a similar thread? Do I have to read every msg in that thread to make sure it covers what I wanted to bring up or is skimming OK? What if the thread is actually about my topic but had a weird title like, "I like breakfast cereal" and I skipped over it? Am Is still wrong? What am I saying? Of course I'm wrong but apparently I'm wrong for breathing in the eyes of my supposed "betters"
So I was "dressed down" for creating another post you guys didn't want to hear or didn't agree with? So in other words I was attacked(yes I was) because someone else made you mad? Man I hope you guys don't come home to kids or pets if you have a bad day in the real world!
Never had a temper tantrum... still just stating my opinion and not taking your crap today or ever

Posted 04 July 2017 - 10:21 PM
- be aware of our surroundings, there are many people using UAVs, shoot them down to ge rid of the locks
- be aware of spotters. That means ECM lights or mediums with NARC or TAG. Happens more often than one might think
- use Radar Derp and highcover
- try to push the enemy LRM boats, most of them do carry few back up weapons and mount XL Engines, so faster to kill
Posted 04 July 2017 - 11:05 PM
Posted 04 July 2017 - 11:35 PM
Goggles Paesano, on 04 July 2017 - 11:16 AM, said:
Off the top of my head, a few things that can be done...
*Limit the amount of Lurm Boats per team
*Increase the loading time... the more LRMs the longer the loading time... For Example, maybe LRM20s have a 20 sec reload time while LRM 5s have a 5 sec reload time
*If 40 LRMs are shot, not all 40 of them have to hit. It would be logical that there would be a spread, even if the target is standing still.
*Make AMS more effective. Sometimes it doesn't seem like mine is doing anything at all.
Anyway, just my opinion. I now stand ready to receive the wrath of all those Lurm Boat pilots.
Waaaaaait.. hold on... stop the press... I thought LRMs were a no-skill, trash, crutch weapon that was totally ineffective and utterly inferior to every other weapon in the game?
Please, tell us more about how LRMs touched you in your special place and it made you feel uncomfortable..
Then go play Mario Kart..
Cose' LRM's have actually been severely nerfed on the ST patch..
You LRM hater people gotta decide already.. are LRMs OP or trash? Cose' yall' don't make sense..
This topic may have been started as a direct result of me pumping 2500+ LRM missiles into the OP's mech.
I regret nothing.

Edited by Vellron2005, 04 July 2017 - 11:38 PM.
Posted 05 July 2017 - 12:02 AM
Goggles Paesano, on 04 July 2017 - 11:16 AM, said:
So, there's this event going on, an Community warfare was a bit slow last night, so I hopped on for a few games this morning to round out my thirty matches, since I wouldn't get much actual playtime soon.
One of my decent event grinders is a quad uac 5 King Crab. Nice inviting plate for a body, great for catching LRMs an makin' sure none get left out, an no AMS to speak of, so as not to be uninviting.
Polar was the best map in the mix, so I picked it, an lo an behold, I get it. Excellent, I love that map. Anyways, As both sides meet, my team, as usual tries hanging back whilst I trudge ever onward, an I get spotted by a mech. Range, near enough to 750, the sweet spot, *BLAM*, *BLAM*, 40 damage to the side torso, (my aim was a little off.) Guess, what? They wanted none of that, popped back behind the hill, missiles lost tracking, the ground behind gets peppered. Another mech, a jumping ppc gauss Night Gyr, *Blam* *Blam*, 30 damge CT (Jamming, don't cha know,) missiles lost lock afore they landed. After a second try in the same spot, that one decided to relocate.
I had a grid long trek that way that musta seen six distinct mech silhouettes and four hundred missiles in the air an most missed, because you know what? My out going is my armour. No one wanted to face tank the Dakka Crab to hold locks, even the missile mechs who tried getting their own damn locks, cuz someone had to. Not at the ranges that thing can counter. Delayed gratification just isn't as enticing as immediate consequences. Both sides decided to draw lines of battle and peek an poke an I managed to walk an un ecmed or escorted assault around two grids to hit the missile mechs in the flank, taking two with me afore the brawlers got there to clean up, (I'm not saying I didn't soak plenty of laser fire, particle projections, gauss rounds an missiles on the way, just, you know, the missiles weren't a huge problem because repeating rounds to the CT is a great incentive to 'Stop Looking At Me!') Honestly, I blame the enemy lights. They shoulda moved to counter an slaughter me since my team didn't send any assistance, but I think they were off on the other flank harassing my own team.
Anyways, moral of the story is, if Long Range Missiles are bothering you, bother anyone looking at you funny back. Someone's gotta see you to hold locks, and if they can see you, you can see them. And with the right build, if you can see them, you can hurt them.
Edited by Leone, 05 July 2017 - 12:07 AM.
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