justcallme A S H, on 21 May 2017 - 06:44 PM, said:
^ lol... A bad that just can't play is by no means a measure of where a mode is at.
I can solo drop and demolish a 4-5man on my own. I've done it 2-3 times already since Skill Tree.
Most pilots doing solo drops do not have your skills and knowledge.
Well, HBR's don't. Particularly if you bring a crap build... Speaking of, what is it?
2x HBRs w/ECM. One has 4x ER-LL. The other is 4x ER-Med & LB10-X. The remaining two are HBIIC-A (2xLPL & 2x ER-ML)and SCR (6x MPL).
An EBJ is a far better choice. Use the significant range advantage you now have due to skill tree, or die. Clan out brawls IS as well, but again it's gotta be done right.
ECM has become necessary again since the May 17th patch. LRMs are the worst they've been in the 11 months I've been playing. The new tree adds little to no advantages worth having in firepower. The nodes wasted to get the helpful are too many and better spent elsewhere. A 65-ton mech does not out brawl an 85 ton BLR, especially if Clanners are supposed to be equipping their mechs for their long-range advantage.
Hate to say it but BLR2C were the majority of 1st drop before the Skill Tree as well, because they are do good. It's simple really. Skill Tree did the following in relation to this issue:
1. BLR got more tanky / slight range nerf and in most cases, are slower (if not slower, they got hotter).
2. Clan got a significant range increase while being able to maintain speed
I love my BLR-2C. It's my new favorite mech. Just got it on Friday night. Had it mastered mid-afternoon yesterday. Routinely do 800-900 damage with it now. It's my first assault and my slowest mech. I'll figure it out... My unit is contracted to Jade Falcon... I disagree with the notion that the firepower tree is of any help at all.
If you cannot work out how you need to then play the game, well, you're gonna get rolled constantly.
It doesn't help that experienced players who could provide leadership, by-and-large, don't play in the mixed queue. The same pilots terrible at or ignorant of teamwork in the PUG queue are dropping in FW. The lack of teamwork is my biggest complaint about MWO in general.
I dropped once last night, 2600dmg in a 4 man against a 6 man, in Clan mechs. Hell I did 1k dmg in a 6cMPL HBK IIC on Terra Therma. It was a steamroll as Clan.
I played 11 FW games today and won one, w/2100 damage and 8 kills. The rest were complete stomps, where my team failed to kill more than 15 enemy mechs. Nine of the losses were against single-unit opponents. I hadn't played FW in 8 months because of these exact reasons. I thought maybe with more experience and several patches things might have changed...
I average 700 damage in the pug and group queues (unless we drop against a single unit). My last FW game, I managed a TOTAL of 450 before I was swarmed and killed for the final time. We managed to take out 8 enemy mechs.
It's once again falling squarely at the players feet and inability to play to the strengths.
Again, I disagree. We can't expect tier 5 & 4 players to understand the game well enough to actually add to a team's play in the solo FW drop. Even the eagerly willing noobs need leadership, which is sorely lacking. Perhaps FW should be limited to tiers 1,2 & 3 only. It also doesn't help that the MWO client keeps losing my microphone. Steam and Windows don't lose it. I have to restart MWO to get the mic back.
Obviously, my experiences are different from many others on the forum. But I assure you, I am in the majority. Most everyone I interact with in-game, won't go near FW anymore because of their own experiences.
There are distinct reasons why so few pilots play FW.
justcallme A S H, on 21 May 2017 - 07:02 PM, said:
Did you treat Aggression as - run in rambo? Make poor/careless trades? (as in, take more dmg than you were giving). Get aggressive with a hot/ranged build?
That is usually what most PUGs think "aggression" means, sadly.
Agreed completely. I had no teams to play with but one game.
Edited by Spunkmaster, 21 May 2017 - 08:07 PM.