Suko, on 19 July 2017 - 09:25 AM, said:
And ignoring the input from other's on how offensive you are is a sure sign that your a self-centered (potential) sociopath. Two-way street with that whole "Empathy" thing. I find it funny how you can (ninja) insult others for being "too" empathetic, without seeing yourself as the other side of that same coin.
*nods sagaciously*
Tell me more, tell me more......
ZacharyJ, on 19 July 2017 - 09:30 AM, said:
My take on it is that Im almost 31, what someone types in my fantasy space robot game after another round of arena shooter is extremely inconsequential.
dis guy getz it.
I'd give you a *this guy wins the internet* cookie for distilling the true fundamental point flying over certain people's heads....., but that would be very insensitive of me, since you may have gluten allergies or diabetes, or I may be implying you are incapable of making/procuring a cookie on your own (or even assuming you like cookies... you might be a savory snack sort of person). At least according to our empathetic friends present.
This may seem a little extreme, but I am only tying to be empathetic and consider every possible way my actions may be interpreted and the potential cultural ramifications and repercussions thereof.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 19 July 2017 - 09:34 AM.