AlphaPrime42, on 24 July 2017 - 08:34 PM, said:
First off; you advertise this thing as an IS event and put the Annihilator and Uziel right there in the front for everyone to see with flashy colors and don't even bother to showoff the Madcat or Cougar. By seeing this it's like you guys are giving the message that the Madcat and Cougar are garbage mechs. I think the Cougar, Uziel, Madcat MK2, and Annihilator are all good looking mechs. Yet, you missed an opportunity to flont all four new mechs. It really is a shame.
Second; you bolster the c-bill payout to 50% for Novacat and Steel Viper which is waste cause everyone and there brother to begin with is playing IS or signed to some other clan.
All I can take away from this event is you do not care about the overall player base. Some of us could care less about the different tech bases. I enjoy both IS and Clan mechs/tech. But by advertising this event as an IS thing you give the impression that you don't care about what you have added from your creative team. Seeing words like this "Your mission is to jump into the new Season of Faction Play and throw down in the fight for the Inner Sphere!" tells me right there that you just don't like the clan stuff in the game and if that is the case why don't you just remove it? Why couldn't this say something like "Throw down with the either the Clans or the Inner Sphere to see who can come out on top" as an example? Personally I feel like this was some way for you to try and figure out where the balance has shifted between the different tech bases and if that is the case this was not the way to do it based around an event. I mean it's sad really and I am terribly disappointed. I really hope that when it's time for the escalation to happen in October that you advertise that event in a way that shows off both the new Inner Sphere and Clan toys.
In Germany we would say you need a tin foil hat because of your paranoia...