Karl Streiger, on 29 August 2017 - 05:10 AM, said:
drop the voting screen - go random
This would go a long way to improve the game. Make dropping smoother and less annoying with as little as 26% of the players being able to decide which map you play over and over. No more playing a farming X game. No more trying to figure out what is going to be voted and what i need to vote if i want to see bog once in 8 hours of play. No more gambling games in a fps.
Reintroduce game mode choice. Somewhat Spliting the player base would be preferable to forcing people to play a game they dont want. Id take tier valving and no 3/3/3/3 over voting. You wont need 3/3/3/3 as much if people decide what game mode they play, conquest wont be made of assault and heavies anymore. This would remove the toxic "not this game mode!", "can you do x?" "nope i didnt vote for this crap".