Inappropriate1, on 05 August 2017 - 08:06 PM, said:
This is in court. They can't discuss this. Let the lawyers handel it. It will likely settle. Stop trying to help. You are not helping when you make petitions and noise. For the love of God! Stop helping. You are making it harder on pgi and hbs.
I don't like pgi much but damn I don't want to hurt them in court. Now shut up and play.
This is a mentality I have come to loathe. Not necessarily in reference to BT... but just the idea that people should put on their blinders and 'let the authorities/professionals handle it.'
It's not just lazy, it's a plea for ignorance and incompetence. It is the assumption that one is incapable of influencing the world around them.
True - our various bitching, here, is probably not going to have much of an impact; but the idea that we are incapable of researching and comprehending case law, precedent, etc... that's an appeal to ignorance. It's not just weak, but it's a desire to remain a passive victim in the wake of individuals and institutions taken as gods before our creator.
THIS is how the collapse of the Star League and Rome happens. People are surrounded by technology they know how to use and don't understand... then argue to remain ignorant of how the world around them works. I can almost guarantee you that everyone who thinks radio is a technology of the past couldn't build a radio, let alone a modem for communication between computers (and I highly doubt many of those programming computers these days even understand how hardware instructions work). Granted - we don't have to understand how all of these things work as individuals, but when you have people who have a whole career working in a box appealing to ignorance of the laws and social processes we live under....
That's how you get a rogue state sponsoring wars abroad and even going as far as to create armies our real military is later sent to destroy. That's how you get people who grew up wanting to do nothing but serve their nation... then get there and turn away in disgust with a greater desire to see -anyone- nuke the nation's capitol than to even collect a paycheck as a store clerk for said capitol.
We need a vengeful, meteor-slinging god to remind us all who the hell is in charge, around here. Our politicians attempt to turn back the tide with laws and decrees as if their idea alters reality - and we have a bunch of spineless, submissive apologists left to cast their votes like clapping seals in the doldrums of democracy.