Jay Leon Hart, on 10 August 2017 - 06:33 AM, said:
What gets me are all the idiots cheering on this David Moore guy like he is some kind of hero (look up on youtube GW getting sued by David Moore). Yes, I agree that W40k miniatures are indeed overpriced and that GW might have a monopoly over table top gaming. If this bozo manages to win his court case, then GW has every right not to distribute their content in North America because of the f'ed up court system and laws in this country. I think Games Workshop will be fine though, since they have an army of lawyers and legal experts that could make anyone get away with murder in broad daylight if they wanted to.
I'm not a legal expert or a person that studies law, but I wonder why PGI consented to the HG trial if they are selling virtual products from Canada. Is it some kind of national law if an American company tries to sue an foreign company, that foreign company has to consent to the court hearing to sell virtual products? I understand that probably a majority of sales for PGI are probably from North America, but what is stopping them from distributing physical products of the designs (if they had any) that HG is crying about if they wanted to sell things outside of North America?
Edited by Arnold The Governator, 10 August 2017 - 08:28 AM.