Chados, on 12 April 2018 - 12:17 PM, said:
As I read all this, the nutshell is:
1) Harebrained Schemes and Jordan Weisman are out of the lawsuit. There has been a settlement, and HG has dismissed them with prejudice, meaning that they can’t re-sue on these facts. Catalyst already is out by defaulting on the complaint and not responding.
Upshot: Forget any chance of Reseeing the Unseen in the new Battletech game. The settlement almost certainly involved Weisman and Harebrained acknowledging that HG owns the Unseen.
I'm not saying you are wrong, but I wouldn't be certain if HBS really acknowledged the rights of HG on the Unseen.
They could have just settled on their part of the suit and HG might have done that for strategic reasons as those claims were rather silly and really were hurting HG's credibility.
I believe that seeing the Unseen in Battletech will depend on how the case against PGI is decided.
Chados, on 12 April 2018 - 12:17 PM, said:
2) Tatsunoko is throwing in with HG. Not surprising. They’ve got money at stake. But their declaration leaves something unanswered: Their rights in the Unseen for derivative works. The wrangling over Macross is a red herring there. It isn’t Macross that is at Bar. It is the Unseen. And PGI’s position is that HG can’t defend copyright in something it does not own-the derivative rights.
PGI is alone now. The other parties have defaulted out or settled. I now predict that sometime in the next 180 days, PGI too will settle. The result will be that the Unseen will not be seen in MW5, PGI will publicly acknowledge HG’s ownership of the Unseen, and PGI and HG either will come to some sort of retroactive licensing agreement relating to the Marauder, Archer, Warhammer, Rifleman, and Phoenix Hawk as they currently are portrayed in MWO or PGI will revoke the Unseen from MWO and offer some minimally-viable way to compensate those of us who bought them. I predict the latter, and the remedy to those of us who spent the money will be offered other mech packs or mechs of equal face value.
Yeah, unfortunately I doubt that the case PGI vs HG will end soon and any ending is possible.
Anyway, me just speculating. Maybe over the next few days we'll get more details.
CMDR Sunset Shimmer, on 12 April 2018 - 03:17 PM, said:
True, but this also has an impact on HBS's Battletech game... I don't know about you, but I sure want my Marauder, Warhammer, Archer, Rifleman, ect, in the game... and I know, the initial product i'm getting will be missing those iconic 3025 era battlemechs BECAUSE of this suit. Regardless, I think all of us here, are actually rooting for PGI on this one, and hell, if there's one thing that can bring this community together, it's a common enemy in HG.
For now I'm glad that the Atlas, Locust & other Mechs are safe in Battletech.
While we might not get Warhammer, Marauder anytime soon (or ever), at least we have the Thunderbolt, Battlemaster, Griffin, Shadowhawk, Wolverine and other iconic Mechs from 3025.
Also if Battletech succeeds, then a Clan addon/sequel is still highly likely (which I would also get, even though I was never the biggest fan of the Clans).
Edited by Trystan Thorne, 12 April 2018 - 05:16 PM.