Sereglach, on 19 June 2018 - 07:48 AM, said:
I noticed that too. The video author is simply assuming that any plaintiff in a settlement is automatically being paid off by a defendant if a settlement happens, which is pure bullcrap. The reason why HBS and HG settled was because HBS was NOT including the Unseen in the new Battletech PC game as well as the image comparisons (marauder, locust, etc.) being completely stupid and having no weight in an actual trial. HBS cut the legs out from under HG's suit and they knew it.
Meanwhile, PGI stood firm on their "show the court the papers of proof of your claims of rights" and HG knew that in the end, they couldn't. The legal fee costs up to that point as well as the penalty legal fees they'd have to pay after they would eventually lose was hanging over HG's head like an ACME anvil. The author conveniently skipped the details of those two situations and just blandly stated "oh, HG was paid off so it's over."