Yep, that's an 84 alpha Timber Wolf. Of course, the flipside is that you will overheat if you alpha while standing still on all but the coolest maps. If you stagger fire them from longest to shortest duration, you can just edge under the cap on heat-neutral and cooler maps. So basically you burn once and hide for five to ten seconds. Why even bother?

So, uh. Yeah. It kills stuff dead.
Not cherrypicked, either, that was the second match I played in it. The first was an 800-damage match... where we got stomped.
Of course if anyone actually pays attention to you or presses R, you're kinda screwed, since you get to alpha maybe once every 6-7 seconds. But seeing people go from moderate armor damage to dead before they realize they should be twisting never stops being funny. The MPLas make for decent self-defense, even if they're only in because a pure heavy laser build would have a bunch of unused tonnage and be hotter still.