Wait, wait... the OP saw an Annihilator actually get to the battlefield in a reasonable amount of time to be overpowered?
Eh, whatever. They seem decent enough. Maybe, on paper, they are too good, but in game they are just scary if you run into them, as most 100 ton mechs are... and they have all the weaknesses of 100 ton mechs, too. I'm sure any balance issues will be addressed once they are available for cbills. Then, the nerfing will begin.
Atlas-D has exactly 2 points extra armor quirk for LT/RT.
However it totally lags behind in terms of weapon slots.
Anni > Atlas
but speaking of lagging behind the ANI is the Speed of a DWF,
though its armor helps it survive, in most cases its arriving to the Fight late,
the ANI can easily be flanked, and much like the Dire Whale, stay out of its focus its easy to hunt,
i would suggest that you aim CT if they are close to you, take them out of the fight as soon as possible,
but if their far away, leg them, it will stop them from being an asset in the fight and make things much easier,
Also can the DWF get some Armor Quirks now?
i mean the DWF used to be seen as this,
now its more like this,
the Annihilator was thought to be this when it came out,
Well, actually, if I'm remembering correctly, the SupaHunchDakkaBear's reign of terror was a result of potato play and a bug with Clan UAC 10 Ghost Heat(ie, it had none).
It had Ghost Heat
It was one additional heat (IE, very little)
It also had MASSIVE quirks for a God Tier robot (though, now a dead robot)
30% agility, decent structure, Accel/Decel
It was a monster, nearly as agile as the H2C, at 50 tons
PGI full on Derped, giving the best variant much better quirks than the worst variants, because of their grasp on balance
LocationNAIS College of Military Science OCS courses
Posted 30 July 2017 - 07:44 AM
NinjaCat, on 29 July 2017 - 10:51 PM, said:
Its an atlas, with a **** ton of extra HP, and more ballistics. (Ballistics are good in assaults)
Nothing even competes with it in its weight class.
you get an extra 30% Armor to share.. for 0 tons.
It doesn't even give up anything for it, as it can use the most powerful assault set ups with its ballistics.
There's a reason in the tournament where people 1v1'd a pro (i forget what it was called) the only assault he used was the annihilator.
You just cant justify that kind of free armor.
Okay, first off it isn't paw to win, it is pay to use early. Secondly, with out the buffs it got, it would be worst in class for the 100t mechs. Too tall, too slow bad hard point placement in relation to cockpit height.... If you really want to murder one, use the same tactics that work against a Dire Wolf, flank and murder from behind.
fun fact, the Annihilator is actually a clan design. Thank the Wolf's Dragoons for that one.
its a starleague era design that was never put into production. the the wolfs dragoon showed up with two from what i remember and raised a whole lotta eye brows. it is not a clan design, its starleague. the clans never cared for it. in fact the ones used by wolfs dragoon were pulled from storage.
Okay, first off it isn't paw to win, it is pay to use early.
Not exactly. It is pay to use a pre-nerfed OP mech for a limited period of time. When they eventually become available in C-Bills, PGI nerf it to the oblivion, and proclaim that balance is achieved.
yeah but the clans probably have more annihilators than the innersphere houses do
clans should be able to use annihilators too
or you know pgi could just fix the direwolf lol. the direwolf should be the clan equivalent of the annihilator. while the kodiak should be the clan equivalent of the atlas.
it is not a clan design, its starleague. the clans never cared for it.
I dont think its that they didnt care for it. its that their own designs like the direwolf surpassed it.
Yes, and that's yet another reason why it's so tedious when you hear their brainless batch built bawling every time something for the inner sphere even vaguely gets close to being balanced
An interesting opinion. Couldn't disagree more. It's a fat slow pig of a mech that I have very little concern facing in combat atm. It's a solid assault. That's about it.
Everytime I see Annihilator in QP I feel a little bit bad for the player. To have paid real money for a mech that so often gets taken out so easily.
I can't understand how, on average, playing that thing is a good experience.
My experience sofar is the full on heavy ballistic builds that require the super low engines aren't worth it, start with a lfe300 and build from there to get a decent enough face wrecker, just pray you don't get left. I've got a 265 and a 250 build but both feel like chores to actually get into the fight and usually get left behind, the 300 builds have actually been fun for the most part though. Most importantly the 1x and MB have head energy for flamebreath attacks :-p
Looks at Anni's quirks.
(Oh deer in headlights, that's alot)
Looks at Anni's max engine.
(Hmm only 300 max, the Awesome has 300 max so it can't be that bad)
Looks at Anni's accel-decel and top speed.
(Oh geez I am soo soo sorry you have to put up with that)
But hey, it's got armor and firepower and sometimes that all you need.
Having troubles against the Anni? Just run a light, light mechs are totally immune at point blank given it can't turn worth a flip and can't see below it's torso like the Atlas.