Looking at the ingame mechlab, my warhammer has a turn rate of 49.79 degrees/s and +10% turn rate from the skill tree. My mad dog has a turn rate of 60.5 and +20 turn rate. I'm not sure if the turn rates listed include the skill tree bonuses...i am pretty sure they do not, so the gap should be even larger.
Assuming the mechlab figures do not take into account skill bonuses, the warhammer should have a turn rate of 54.769 degrees/s and the mad dog should have a turn rate of 72.6 degrees per second.
I took both mechs into the testing grounds on river city, lined up the crosshair on the same window of a building, and recorded a video to see how long it would take to complete a 360 degree stationery turn.
Using freemake video converter, I was able to narrow down the timing to when i started the turn and completed the turn (by having the crosshair move over the same window). I did not move the mouse at all and just held down the keyboard key to turn.
The warhammer clocked in at roughly 5 seconds to complete the turn. That gives it an actual turn rate of roughly 72 degrees/second...this is obviously way too high for the specs listed in the mechlab. And it doesn't even make sense, since the WHM-6R has no mobility quirks.
The mad dog clocked in at 4.2 seconds, which gives it an actual turn rate of 85 degrees/second. This figure also makes no sense, but the difference between the actual turn rate and the expected turn rate is a lot less than the warhammer's.
The main issue is how is the warhammer just so agile even though its specs on paper say otherwise? All those points not going into the mobility tree can go into the survival tree which is a huge balance issue. I'm not looking at things like torso turn rate yet, just chassis turn rate. Playing my warhammer literally feels like easy mode...and im not even min-maxing pulse lasers or anything.
I uploaded the videos to vimeo :
Warhammer :
Mad dog :
You can download them and play them frame by frame if you wish. The window used as the starting point is the 9th from the left.
Edit : After some testing, it seems the mechlab figures do take into acount skill bonuses so it makes even less sense...
Edited by Jun Watarase, 30 July 2017 - 03:43 PM.