As of this writing the re-formation of the Savage Dragoons has begun.
After talking with Dale, we've decided to restart our old unit. Savage Dragoons will be a merc unit working for House Marik.
Ito, Amergin, Anton, Dread (Black Widow Dread~~that is if you are not going to re-form *BW*), : We have a spot waiting for you guys. Drop me or Dalemart a PM and let us know.
Rot, what's up with the DR's? I thought I saw Hoho, Elf and Babs floating about these parts too...Drop me a line and at least lemme know what's up.

Nehrul and Nite...drop me a line too.
As I am sure that I have missed a few names of folks who have been floating about (I've only briefly gone through these forums looking for names), if there is any other old Marik Gamestormer looking for a home, again, shoot Dalemart or myself a PM. I'll also throw a copy of this up on the enjin site as soon as I get that ruddy confirmation letter.