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Huntsman Prime Build

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#1 Jun Watarase


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Posted 15 August 2017 - 07:01 PM

Im currently trying out 6x ER SL, 2x ATM-9s, active probe, 14 DHS and rest in ammo.

In my experience 2x ATM-9s do terribly bad damage even in short range. I have seen mediums and lights just face tank multiple volleys to little effect.

I've also thought of running 4x med pulse/2x SRM-6s but that doesnt seem much of an improvement.

Any other ideas?

Edited by Jun Watarase, 15 August 2017 - 07:01 PM.

#2 BTGbullseye


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Posted 15 August 2017 - 07:12 PM

Have you tried full laser vomit with the -P right torso? 8 energy slots lets you do it.

2x Heavy Large Lasers in the ST, and 6 ER Medium Lasers in the rest of the slots. Can fit 6 extra heatsinks, a TC1, and a full cAP with max armor. (you'll be at 48.3t, but you'll have a 78 damage alpha that won't kill you)

Edited by BTGbullseye, 15 August 2017 - 07:20 PM.

#3 Jun Watarase


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Posted 15 August 2017 - 07:13 PM

I dont like laser vomit and i was trying to stick to the full prime config.

#4 Jun Watarase


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 06:42 AM

Anyone else? This forum seems pretty dead...

#5 Tesunie


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 07:27 AM

View PostJun Watarase, on 15 August 2017 - 07:01 PM, said:

Im currently trying out 6x ER SL, 2x ATM-9s, active probe, 14 DHS and rest in ammo.

In my experience 2x ATM-9s do terribly bad damage even in short range. I have seen mediums and lights just face tank multiple volleys to little effect.

I've also thought of running 4x med pulse/2x SRM-6s but that doesnt seem much of an improvement.

Any other ideas?

Forum isn't dead, but possibly overly busy or dead at the time of your question.

Now, opening questions:
- Why AP? By the time it's disabling ECM, they will be too close for your missiles.
- You do know that ATMs have a (currently) 120m minimum range, right? If you are shooting within that range, that would explain why they are doing so little damage. (That minimum is a hard minimum currently, where they deal completely no damage at all. Unlike LRMs.)

Personally, I like my Prime with LRMs and ERMLs. I have bundled the weapons in sets of two. Each arm (two ERMLs) are in their own sets, and the third set (I have configured to shoot on left shift) are my two LRM15s. If the fighting is too intense, it can get a little toasty, so pace your fire and don't alpha when you are hot. Also, utilize the JJs to poke over terrain, shoot the lasers while you get a lock, and then depart with a load of LRMs. Works very well as a mid range jump fighter.

I do also have my other Prime set up with a pulse laser configuration. Personally have had reasonable results, though less than the build posted above. It has a single LPL in the side torso (which one doesn't matter, but a pure prime only has one side torso with an energy slot), four MPLs in the arms (two in each arm) and the rest being heat sinks. It's very hot, but it can spit out a good amount of damage fairly quickly. The Pulse lasers have shorter ranges than my other prime, making it a bit closer ranged of a mech, but it can still do well with a bit of jump shooting due to the pulse lower duration.

One thing I've discovered while using the Huntsmen is that, if you aren't using the JJs you aren't taking full advantage of the mech. If that is the case, than a Hunchback IIC probably would serve you better, as then you can save weight by removing the JJs. If you use the JJs, it can be a very powerful mech.

Also able to be placed on the Prime:
- 2 ERPPC. Take jump sniping to the extreme. Needs to work the enemy over time and does poorly in pure alpha damage. Pacing yourself and good aim are required.
- 2 LPLs. Same as above, but a little more lacks in the aim department.
- Take above LRM build, and replace the missiles with either ATMs or (S)SRMs. May need an AP for SSRMs.
- UAC10/LBx10 and 3 ERMLs. Little lackluster in stand up shooting, but can do well given a bit of patience. (I have this on a pure B, UAC10/LBx10 on one arm, and three ERMLs on another. This build will need to place a laser (or two) onto the AC arm or side torso.)
(All above posted builds would be with your personal armor distribution. When crafting in Smurfy Mechlab, I tend to just select "max armor". So change the armor values to your liking.)

(PS: I do have other configurations, but those are the best I've got for the Prime specifically. I own every variant of the mech, each with their own distinct build on them. If desired, I could just post them all up.)

Edit: Also realized, if you want more laser punch, the Prime can also mimic my A variant well.

Edited by Tesunie, 17 August 2017 - 07:33 AM.

#6 Roughneck45


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 03:42 PM

Well, if you wont switch omnipods your options are limited.

Laser boat is off the table.

That leaves you with a big ballistic and lasers. SRMs seem like a waste if you can only take two. Might pair with an LBX20 okay. ATMs and lurms if you wanted?

I'd run 4 meds and an Ultra 20 or gauss if I wasn't switching pods.

#7 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 03:53 PM

If you must use the prime pods, these are related options:

SSRM Variation:

ATM Variation:

Guided missile systems will have better synergy with its split torso-arm split, so I intentionally avoided standard SRMs, which I'd normally take instead. Both provide reliable damage dealing options in the UAC10 and ERSLas, but have the additional damage potential in the missile systems.

You can also dump the missile entirely and run either of these:


Gauss + ERMlas:

That said, insisting on sticking to 8/8 pods on the Huntsman is in direct violation of the mech's largest asset over virtually any other omnimech in the game: flexibility. Across its variants, the HMN is obscenely flexible. You can build it into anything you want, short of a twin gauss/uac20 or an LB20X toting platform. Choosing not to capitalize on the Huntsman's insane flexibility is a disservice to the mech.

Once you decide to actually capitalize on the mech's flexibility, take a read on this thread for some ideas:

The Huntsman Love Guide

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 17 August 2017 - 04:06 PM.

#8 Tesunie


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 04:42 PM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 17 August 2017 - 03:53 PM, said:

Choosing not to capitalize on the Huntsman's insane flexibility (of pod choices) is a disservice to the mech.

I'm going to add "In your opinion" here.

Though the ability to change your Omni-pods is a strength, there are builds you can do (especially on the Prime) that can be done well with stock pods.

So, I wouldn't say it's a "disservice" to the mech. That I reserve for those who take the mech, and I never see them jump once. If you aren't going to use the JJs at all, a Hunchback IIC will probably be a better ride at that point. (My opinion of course.)

I mean, I did post seven builds that could be placed on an all Prime chassis. Some of them can be better served on a mixed pod chassis (such as the A version) or on another different variant set (such as the B). They all have been battle tested, at least by me, and many of them work rather well.

I'll agree though that the flexibility of the pod choices for the Huntsmen is great, and it can be used to make some rather interesting builds. It's an option you can pursue. It is not a must.

#9 Jun Watarase


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 07:47 PM

Yes i know about the ATM minimum range, but ive seen assassins tank multiple volleys at 200m with very little effect. They didnt have AMS either.

IIRC if someone with ECM gets too close to you, you cant lock onto anything at all even if its a target outside the ECM bubble. Or did they change that when they nerfed ECM? Either way, i think probes boost your sensor range which directly increases the range at which you can lock onto mechs within an ECM bubble?

Edited by Jun Watarase, 17 August 2017 - 07:48 PM.

#10 Tesunie


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 08:12 PM

View PostJun Watarase, on 17 August 2017 - 07:47 PM, said:

Yes i know about the ATM minimum range, but ive seen assassins tank multiple volleys at 200m with very little effect. They didnt have AMS either.

IIRC if someone with ECM gets too close to you, you cant lock onto anything at all even if its a target outside the ECM bubble. Or did they change that when they nerfed ECM? Either way, i think probes boost your sensor range which directly increases the range at which you can lock onto mechs within an ECM bubble?

It had to be asked...

Typically, I find if I'm under the influence of ECM, I'm shooting that mech with my lasers (or other non-lock on weapons). But I do get your point as well. Risk vs reward.

As for the boost to range, you do have it correct last I knew. Though, people typically will need to place skills into the ECM to make it as powerful as it once was. Otherwise, if they don't, you can lock onto them at reasonable ranges. Plus, if they are under ECM and it isn't being disabled... You will find getting a missile lock very hard as it will still take forever to obtain that missile lock. So, normally, though you are correct, I will typically try to close ranges for other weapons or ignore (missile wise) those targets and try to get locks on non-ECM targets.

This is, of course, completely preference related. I also tend to use LRMs within 600M or closer. Closer to minimum normally is better...

#11 Void Angel


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 08:31 PM

View PostJun Watarase, on 15 August 2017 - 07:13 PM, said:

I dont like laser vomit and i was trying to stick to the full prime config.

I did the same thing, and came up with a UAC/10 and 4 ER Medium Lasers on the arms, with 5 heat sinks and AMS. I used it as a Hunchbuddy (engage alongside Heavies and Assaults, while punishing other small 'mechs who try to flank and harass your Big,) with reasonably good results. Haven't used it for a while, however.

ECM still remains the same - only the radius was reduced to 90m. So ECM will jam (unless countered) all sensors within 90m, and reduce the effective sensor range of enemy systems by up to 75% (now dependent on pilot skill to unlock full potential.)

As for the ATM, I still need to play with them, but my understanding is that they stream out and scatter. This will make them less effective against smaller targets and more effective against very large 'mechs, much like SRMs.

View PostTesunie, on 17 August 2017 - 08:12 PM, said:

This is, of course, completely preference related. I also tend to use LRMs within 600M or closer. Closer to minimum normally is better...

Optimal engagement range for LRMs is ~300m. =)

#12 Tesunie


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 09:08 PM

View PostVoid Angel, on 17 August 2017 - 08:31 PM, said:

Optimal engagement range for LRMs is ~300m. =)

Closer to minimum range = better. Posted Image

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