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Begging For 4K Ui Scaling

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Poll: Is a 4k UI important to you? (193 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you care about a 4k UI?

  1. Yes (168 votes [87.05%])

    Percentage of vote: 87.05%

  2. No (25 votes [12.95%])

    Percentage of vote: 12.95%

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#21 ThePhoenix007


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Posted 03 January 2019 - 11:48 PM

Installed the game for the first time in a couple of years.  Couldn't run it at 4k without UI being jacked... and the UX looked horrible at 1080... I immediately uninstalled.

For those that say its not important to 4k (like some idiot did earlier)  Keep in mind that F2P games are usually kept afloat by whales.... whales have money.  Which means they have a 4k setup...  

Also 4k setups are not that expensive anymore.  I could run pubg on a 980TI(2 generations ago) at 4k, That game is pretty un-optimized, and 4k TV's are sub 300.00 now.

The fact that it's 2019 and this post is from 2017 and the UI still can't scale to 4k should tell you the state of the game.   I uninstalled not because the game couldn't play 4k, but because its a sign that this game isn't being taken care of... 60.00 mechs, but you can't bother to throw one ux guy at making the UI scale properly in 2 years tells me to stay away, because that says one of 3 things.   Its too hard to do so because their codebase is so horrible its a massive problem to get the ux to scale.  Their codebase is so horrible that after all these years, they're still putting out fires, or its an easy fix but the people running the show won't let the devs put it in a sprint to fix.

Ultimately 4k isn't a big deal, but I left years ago because of the issues this game has (I'm a beta founder and spent a few hundred on this game). To come back, load up, and have a horrible looking UI at 1080p tells me I need to move on, and so do other whales.

Edited by ThePhoenix007, 03 January 2019 - 11:52 PM.

#22 Liquid Leopard


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Posted 06 January 2019 - 08:54 PM

Yeah, the text in the mechlab is stupidly small at 1440 resolution.
PGI has that, and several other things, to work out before they scale it for 4K resolution.
Posted Image

#23 pSych0o


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Posted 15 February 2019 - 09:11 AM

View PostThePhoenix007, on 03 January 2019 - 11:48 PM, said:

Installed the game for the first time in a couple of years. Couldn't run it at 4k without UI being jacked... and the UX looked horrible at 1080... I immediately uninstalled.


This. I wanted to give this game a try (again) but not being able to play properly on 4K was an instant uninstall for me unless you want to either live with a low res pixelated mess or ant simulator UI. Not sure if implementing a simple 'UI Scale' option is too much to ask for? Seriously, it's 2019, guys.

#24 w4ldO


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Posted 18 February 2019 - 06:27 AM

shameless bump

if you can add a completely new UI thingy called solaris, why not something like a scaling factor for mechlab and chat windows?

#25 m


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Posted 19 February 2019 - 01:19 AM

In the past titles were re-released as "HD".

PGI is probably doing the same right now (MWO 8K ??) and haven't said anything. But sure, if they do the UI I say do it all and go the max that can be done.

By the way, what is the max a developer has achieved in an engine?

#26 Daigoji Gai


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Posted 15 April 2019 - 02:14 PM

MW5 pre-order made me reinstall for all the goodies and loot I've accumulated, but the game is unplayable at 4K.
I really don't won't to down-scale to make the game legible. This is crazy that this post was made in 2017 and it still has not been fixed.

Que Pasa Piranha?

#27 Elizander


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Posted 10 June 2019 - 10:10 PM

Do it. I mean people who have PCs that can do 4k max setting with high fps definitely have way more whale potential than people with poverty setups. :)

#28 Frederick Steiner A F


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Posted 06 July 2019 - 07:59 AM

Here since 2012. MWT Founder. Laid spare to a Grand for Mwo/Mwt/IGP with all Ingame and Hardware (SSD´s and r290x esp. for MWO, Sys was and is up to the Fight still these days, but no intel :P).

Save over the last 2 Years a 2 Grands to get a "REAL MWO" Rig, started with the very first Part in Form of a VII (to have at least a Replay Option many MMO´s these Days have build in, for learning Effects w/o 30FPS Gaming). First to recognize. Game runs not much better then before, but i have a working/gamefriendly Relive Replay now. Beside that?
To see that UI Upscaling isn´t cared about that 2 Years it was asked for is.... Its like the 3D Feature of MWO. Better Graphic Options for Quality and Perf. ingame since the Ini modding was forbidden. SweetFX is a Grey Zone. Better and more Colourvibrant Maps like in the Beginning of the Game. Things like real other Game Modes known from MW4 with Repbases that u need to conquer, Raid up Enemy Convoys or such Things. Halfbaked Solaris/FP, brings no feelable more Cash Influx at first Hand, and so gets delayed till a ...browny rain storm. TM Since 2014
Many Things that would maybe have widened up the Playerbase were delayed or ignored, instead of understanding that the BT Crowd is special to care of, but very pleasant if served well. Thats their Strength. They got Ideas, Manpower(modding, testing, feedback) and Dollars.


Don´t get me wrong, me is Backer Privateer of MW5 too, but to see what was the Outcome of HBS Backer(Outsale to Paradox, the (sorrow) now best DLC Cash makers of once good Indie/Mod/Build in Content for and not only HBS BT). Instead of making a (not cut small)Game for a 2-5 Year Period (MC1/2), and get 60 Bucks a 1 Year later again for a real Full Game Expansion again(repeat), while supporting the Modders. Not itchy bitchy tiny lil scraps Pricetactics of it for overpriced Paradoxllar.

tdlr: Its dead Jim. it wanted the cake and had it...

There was once a lil Sniper that was sneaking through the Jungle for so long and lonly, and everytime he wants to crouch or jump up to his Target for a Intel/Conversation instead of a HS, he got a Sneeze of his Triggerfinger, his Gun goes off, and he was alone again.
This makes him so sorrow, that he wants to have a Cake. And he had a dream: A great (small) green Froggylike Magican told him: If you can learn to use the Power of Fishing, and learn how to puke ur Shi ..erm Mighty into the Heads of GameBosses and Gamers alike, Then u can be the "Duke" and aaaaaaallll will love you, and that way u get ur Cake.
So the lill BrassSniper moved on, and get his Err..erm Lections. After nuking the Boss A,5.,.s,- (erm sry...Heads was meant), and get finally his fingers laid on the one and hoily Cucpake. Rillrathian...Commander... erm ehh wat, i mean BraissBillwarrior alive. So a Story was born my Son, a Story of many Tales, but´s to be told another Time... of Sales Posted Image

Sarcasm anyone? Got lots of it to spend. Doctor says it´s fine, me got a Trussmapialactish Shock Posted Image Need to s(w)eat it out he prefers me to do.. wise man that Doc is. Try it now for 4 Years. Payabstinence... ehh playpatience... whatever
Have Fun Guys Posted Image

Edited by Frederick Steiner A F, 06 July 2019 - 08:14 AM.

#29 connta


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Posted 03 October 2020 - 07:05 AM

I am back to say that I am utterly disappointed at this. This was a game i enjoyed unitl i got 4k monitor and now its unplayable, I wish to play but its just a drag working in this mechlab. I have bought in-game currency, you are losing customers to something that really shouldnt be a big deal.

How many ppl got into the game with a high dpi monitor, saw the interface they couldnt even read and just went like "f that" and uninstalled? Well, more and more each day since those monitors are a thing for a while now.

Really dunno what to say beyond that.

Edited by connta, 03 October 2020 - 07:06 AM.

#30 Thor Sten


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Posted 04 October 2020 - 04:02 AM

Reinstalled the game yesterday and, still fun, but the UI looks awful with my new monitor.

#31 connta


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Posted 09 October 2020 - 01:52 AM

The game is still great imo, i'd love to play but i cant since the interface is fubar.


People are even asking on steam but nothings happening, i mean cmon.

Edited by connta, 09 October 2020 - 01:53 AM.

#32 Tenchuu


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Posted 04 November 2020 - 01:50 AM

I agree, this is absolutely painful. I tried changing back and forth between resolutions in the mechbay but it's a poor solution and largely useless, so I have to go with eye strain. Why is this held up? This is fit and finish, new players see this immediately and will want to quit playing. It should be front and center on your to do list.

#33 VileKnight


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Posted 05 November 2020 - 12:27 PM

I would love to see proper 4k scaling for the UI. Higher resolutions are only going to see increased adoption moving forward.

#34 Botaine


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Posted 27 December 2020 - 08:57 PM

As someone said earlier, the rich minority who spend the most on this game will definitely have 4k setups. It is important to cater to these people who keep the game going. For now the 1440P UI is usable but still too small. People have wanted UI scaling for a long time but it hasn't been done, so maybe it would be easier for them to have the game switch to a low resolution during menus, then switch to a high resolution during gameplay. That would probably be an easily programmable workaround for whatever issue they have with the UI.

#35 LordNothing


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 09:18 PM

i actually use 4k now, but you have to squint in the mech lab. just upping the font size a couple of points would help a lot.

#36 Solarrus


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Posted 20 February 2021 - 02:14 AM

I need 4k UI.

#37 Nesutizale


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Posted 21 February 2021 - 04:36 AM

Made a quit setup of what I would like to see for the Mechlab.
Made the left side bigger and moved the mech more to the right side and removed the color grading/overlay, cause I want to see my mech in its full glory.

Posted Image

Posted Image

PS: Yes I know that the mech has a stupid setup. Its my Loki, let him be a bit loco ^_^

Edited by Nesutizale, 21 February 2021 - 04:38 AM.

#38 Speedy Plysitkos


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Posted 28 April 2021 - 01:00 AM

I have opposite problem.

Playing in 2560x1440, and in garage it all look perfect. While in mech the UI looks like its 640x480 (if we talk about the size), otherwise its sharp.

Id like to have MUCH smaller UI in mech. Why it should take 50% of the screen now ? It looks obsolete compared how clean and small it is in garage/mechlab.

#39 Evax


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Posted 05 June 2021 - 07:36 AM

Any UI scaling. Even 1440p has small buttons and text. I'm 6 years older than at launch (my eyes are worse) and so is Tech. Time to Move into the present with higher resolution UI.

#40 Taintickle


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Posted 20 January 2022 - 02:35 AM

Still no resizing support?! Allow us to mod it ourselves please.

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