Patch Notes - 1.4.131 - 19-Sep-2017
Posted 19 September 2017 - 02:37 PM
Do a game tuning and grafic fix!!!!!
Do a game tuning and grafic fix!!!!!
Do a game tuning and grafic fix!!!!!
Posted 19 September 2017 - 03:31 PM
Posted 19 September 2017 - 03:42 PM
Clans have 3 planets to attack this phase...
IS has 5 planets to attack this phase...
What gives for this mismatch, Russ?

And how the hell is Vulcan under attack in Clan Wolf backfield when it's entirely surrounded by Jade Falcon and Ghost Bear? Is this another one of those BS secret wormholes?
Edited by Commander A9, 19 September 2017 - 03:45 PM.
Posted 19 September 2017 - 03:54 PM
events page is not clear
Posted 19 September 2017 - 04:06 PM
So now I have to make a choice given my work schedule: drop with my team in Faction Warfare, or waste time with a Quickplay challenge.
Real smart, PGI! Why the hell can't we have damage-based challenges apply to both Quickplay and Faction Warfare? Who cares when you get the damage as long as you get it!?
Posted 19 September 2017 - 04:14 PM
if it is only 1 from each category then that is not a big time investment. with the right loadout and a good game, you could get more than 1 in a match
if it is all from each category, that is a fair slog for a couple of million cbills and some cockpit bling
Edited by chaothulhu, 19 September 2017 - 04:23 PM.
Posted 19 September 2017 - 04:38 PM
Posted 19 September 2017 - 05:12 PM
Posted 19 September 2017 - 06:11 PM
Jonathan Paine, on 19 September 2017 - 11:25 AM, said:
Seriously, if you want me to spend more money create more completely new maps. Otherwise I have enough MC and Premium Time to last me years.
Maps aren't due until November

Posted 19 September 2017 - 06:14 PM

10 slot instead of 11 would be better and more mechs could use it
even KingCrabe 100t can not use heavy gauss

Edited by freud2b, 19 September 2017 - 06:32 PM.
Posted 19 September 2017 - 06:24 PM
Posted 19 September 2017 - 06:31 PM
Steve Pryde, on 19 September 2017 - 04:38 PM, said:
Well the old ones are animated, they zoom in and out when they activate, while the new ones only play the sound, I bet this is their reasoning.
Edited by BobTheBully, 19 September 2017 - 06:32 PM.
Posted 19 September 2017 - 10:11 PM
freud2b, on 19 September 2017 - 06:14 PM, said:

10 slot instead of 11 would be better and more mechs could use it
even KingCrabe 100t can not use heavy gauss

iirc its the same with the LBX20 which for some reason takes up more slots than the ac20. for years, the LBX10 was lighter and slotwise smaller than its AC counterpart, but for some reason that "rule" did not apply to the new mech-shotties.
Posted 19 September 2017 - 10:32 PM
Ed Steele, on 19 September 2017 - 12:25 PM, said:
LMGs were OP as hell they needed to be nerfed, they should not be able to strip the armor off an undamaged Assault in seconds like they do, even if taken in multipes. They are anti-infantry weapons.
They're anti-mech weapons until such time as infantry are running around in the game.
Posted 19 September 2017 - 10:42 PM
The Unstoppable Puggernaut, on 19 September 2017 - 01:45 PM, said:
Posted 20 September 2017 - 01:54 AM
InnerSphereNews, on 18 September 2017 - 03:42 PM, said:

• Achievements: The Seriously?! Achievement description text has been updated to specify that you must do Top Damage out of all players in the match, including players on the Enemy team.
• Clan Cockpit Items: Clan Diamond Shark insignia has been added to the Clan Holo Arm, Clan Tablet, and Clan Magnetic Warhorn Cockpit Items.
• Ebon Jaguar (all variants): Fixed an issue where attached weapons could appear overly glossy.
• Cockpit Item Screen: Fixed an issue where certain items were listed as Purchasable for certain players, but attempting to purchase them would return an error. These items are now correctly displayed as not purchasable.
• Comp Play: Fixed an issue where the Player Stats screen would flash briefly before the Team Stats screen was displayed at the End of Round screen.
• Decals: Decal placements can now also be committed by hitting the Enter key.
• Decals: Fixed an issue where players could receive an error when attempting to apply the Basic Green colour.
• End of Round: Fixed an issue where the scroll bar arrows could disappear from the Player Stats screen.
• Escape Screen: Fixed an issue where the upper HUD elements in Siege Mode were not interactive.
• Faction Play (DropDecks): Trial 'Mechs are now indicated as such in the Next 'Mech/Scoreboard screens using the standard Trial 'Mech banner.
• Faction Play (Loyalists): The Contract Bonus now appears in the End of Round Faction Stats breakdown.
• Floating Chat: Fixed an issue where resizing the chat window could cause the text to reduce in size.
• Frontend: Fixed an issue where hitting Enter while inside a dialog box would close the window without committing a choice (if applicable). Escape will now always close a window without committing. When there is only one button choice hitting Enter will close the window. When there is more than one choice (ie. OK or Cancel), hitting Enter will submit the OK command and close the window.
• Highlander: Fixed an issue where the Clan/IS Magnetic Warhorns would clip into Cockpit geometry.
• HUD: Fixed an issue where targeting icons, such as weight class icons, could sometimes appear as standard marker triangles.
• In-Game Chat: While input window is active, text will now appear indicating that chat can be scrolled using Page Up/Page Down.
• Inner Sphere Glass Medallions: Improved readability of the insignia elements.
• Mad Cat MK II (all variants): Walk and Run cycle animations have been improved.
• MechLab: The Cockpit Item screen is now visible when using a Trial 'Mech (though items cannot be equipped).
• 'Mech Stats: Fixed an issue where the Performance Diamond could overrun the graph space.
• Mist Lynx (MLX-Prime): Fixed an issue where a second Ballistic Hardpoint attached to the Right Arm would overlap an attached Missile Hardpoint.
• Oil Derrick Cockpit Item: Disabled the Preview button for this item in the Cockpit Item frontend screen, as the item does not animate.
• Rocket Launchers: Fixed an issue where Rocket Launchers would still play their explosion effect after being fired under their Minimum Range.
• Skill Tree: Clicking the header of a Skill Branch will now highlight that Branch window.
• Spectator: Fixed an issue where captured Conquest capture point light-beams would appear white/neutral.
• Spectator: Fixed an issue where the VIP would not be specified as the destroyed 'Mech, when destroyed.
• Spectator: The MiniMap is no longer visible when the spectated player is in 3PV.
• Supply Caches: Decals and Cockpit Items are now indicated as such.
• Tutorial: Fixed an issue where the leftmost section of the screen would not turn black when prompted with a tutorial dialog window under a triple-monitor setup.
• UrbanMech (all variants): Attempting to switch from a Standard 60 Engine type to XL or Light will now prompt with an 'Invalid Engine Size' error, as the XL and Light Engines do not posses a 60-type.
• VoIP: VoIP can now be disabled altogether through the Settings > Audio screen. This will prevent you from hearing any VoIP communications during a match. Once disabled, re-enabling VoIP during a match will not take effect until the player has returned to the frontend.
• Voting Screen: Fixed an issue where the timer could sometimes not appear.
• Voting Screen: Fixed an issue where the timer could appear to end with 1 second remaining.
• Warhammer: Fixed an issue where the WC 2017 Warhorn would clip into Cockpit geometry.
So what is taking you so long on fixing the Nova's janked left arm and the Timber Wolf's janked right knee? These warhorn and Mad Cat MKII fixes seem to have happened overnight comparatively speaking.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 04:07 AM
Colonel Clunge, on 19 September 2017 - 07:06 AM, said:
Anyone would think that you all feel you have a God given right to stomp over IS every match?
The Assassin doesn't seem to me to be any more unbalanced than the Cheetah which has been overperforming since it was released. Surely by now you've realised that there will always be some mechs that perform better than others? Clans have theirs and IS have theirs.
The one fact with the CUAC10 having the same heat as the IS version that hasn't been raised is that Clan DHS take up much less space than IS equivalents so clanners can pack in a lot more.
Just saying.......
First : I'm very happy (feel free to take a look at the loyal leader board)
what I meant on that short post about my happiness is that :
if you play bad you will die faster if its IS or clan mech
if its king crab ,LTC, Kdk, GHR , Atlas .. everything die
and if you new or average player that go solo you die even quicker .
but the assassin because of bad hit box settings - 75% that he will not die or it will take longer to kill if you don't shoot the legs.. (even when solo fight vs 3 enemies at the same time)
so old and new players use the assassin left and right torso glitch\bad hit box for their advantage, and because of that many average players drop with at least - 2 or even 3 assassins in same drop deck
again I'm just happy that all the IS players that was running around with full deck of assassins thinks they ninjas are back to normal where they should be : crying at the forum.
Just saying.......
Edited by Bios303, 20 September 2017 - 05:13 AM.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 09:35 AM
Posted 20 September 2017 - 10:54 AM
Mikayshen, on 20 September 2017 - 09:35 AM, said:
Same here
Edit: If I alt-tab out of the client and back in, the event generally shows.
Edited by shockdiode, 20 September 2017 - 02:23 PM.
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