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Clan And Inner Sphere Go Ballistic Challenge

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#81 Grayson Sortek


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 12:26 PM

PGI, please don't be discouraged, we are on the right track here... now to just push it a little more to a daily event system like HoTS so we can get a diversity of builds... Just. a. little. more...

*Not sure I'm looking forward to getting ballistic spammed tonight. I'm already starting to have nightmares about MGs all over the place.

#82 Unit 86


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 01:17 PM

The event is a huge flop. How is a new player supposed to participate? I don't have all Ultracannons.

I was hoping for the 500k CBill reward right after I've gotten the 500/500 with my UAC10 but guess what - no. I have to also do the requirement for UAC2, UAC5 and UAC20 alltogether combined. If I was to buy these weapons right now just so I can finish the event, they would together cost me more than 500k CBill. Spend that much for weapons just to finish the event and then never use them again? I think not.

#83 Brother MEX


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 01:17 PM

View PostGenesis23, on 19 September 2017 - 10:52 PM, said:

same goes for the machine gun challenge: 100 dmg with hmg and 300 with lmg seems a bit more reasonable since its easier to boat and the longer range of the later.
Just look at my SIGNATURE !

I played the Koshi D with 3 HMG + 1 LMG + 2 micro lasers and finished BOTH MG damage requirements in a single game ... just changed the 3 HMG to 3 normal MG to finish the last MG damage requirement tomorrow Posted Image

#84 Daemon04


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 01:19 PM

Unfortunately they tried once more and have good intention as far as i can tell but having to be constantly logged into the game to see the challenge progress doesnt cut it for me.

Id like to have a copy of the challenge page on the website as well. Being able to alt-tab is way more practical than whats being provided atm.
we have to explicitly select it to look at it.

i dont notice the difference between 9x crit chance to 13x crit chance. just shredds your mech apart as usual.
hate this event so far. gg.

Edited by Daemon04, 20 September 2017 - 01:22 PM.

#85 LaserTarget


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 01:40 PM

This is likely one of the worst designed events yet. I can't even participate most categories since I do not own a mech that has a center torso ballistic mount for AC/UAC/LBX 20s so the only event I can complete is the machine gun and even then I have to purchase those and put them on a mech they don't really work on.

Good job leaving out new or infrequent players PGI. I would have thought you would at least have put up trial mechs with the different ballistic loadouts.

#86 burns


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 01:52 PM

View PostKuaron, on 19 September 2017 - 04:32 PM, said:

You copied so much from WoT, now please copy this, too.
The website description of the events there is fully informative.

So much this! It´s like those "you had one job" meme´s .... how can you someone working in a company that is known across the world miss such a glaring usability aspect?

My local newspaper recently frontpaged a lorem ipsum dolor text, which was equally cringe enducing Posted Image

Edited by burns, 20 September 2017 - 01:53 PM.

#87 Matt Newman

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Posted 20 September 2017 - 02:32 PM

Keep the Feedback coming guys!
I really appreciate you taking the time to give me feedback and allowing us to continually improve!

This event was born out of some simple criteria I had.
  • Keep the event concept simple (ballistics only)
  • uses statistics we have never used before (Weapon exclusive damage)
  • get the event up early showing the Future events functionality- ( the day before)
  • Create an awesome sale to complement the event (CHECK)
So yeah I think that maybe some of the targets may be high for Damage.
and I get the point that new players at a disadvantage (I will try to address this for future events)
but you don't have to complete every challenge.
I'll Probably throw in some Daily challenges to smooth this one out a bit. Everyone here is really excited about the potential this new system has.

FYI I am also planning on doing a “Lrmageddon” type event with all Missile Type weapons
and a “Pew Pew Pew” Energy event but I will refine the targets and rewards to make it suitable.

As far as posting the details on the Site as well I can do that moving forward but the tracking of progress and rewarding will be in-game for now.

We are looking into some issues where the detail window may not be showing for some people as well as an unrelated crash.


#88 Commander A9


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 02:41 PM

If you must do another event like this, Matt, please allow damage to be earned in Faction Warfare. I do not want to be forced to make a choice between playing with my FW team versus playing alone in Quickplay. That's not fair to me, or them.

#89 Stonefalcon


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 02:47 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 20 September 2017 - 02:32 PM, said:

Keep the Feedback coming guys!
I really appreciate you taking the time to give me feedback and allowing us to continually improve!

This event was born out of some simple criteria I had.
  • Keep the event concept simple (ballistics only)
  • uses statistics we have never used before (Weapon exclusive damage)
  • get the event up early showing the Future events functionality- ( the day before)
  • Create an awesome sale to complement the event (CHECK)
So yeah I think that maybe some of the targets may be high for Damage.

and I get the point that new players at a disadvantage (I will try to address this for future events)
but you don't have to complete every challenge.
I'll Probably throw in some Daily challenges to smooth this one out a bit. Everyone here is really excited about the potential this new system has.

FYI I am also planning on doing a “Lrmageddon” type event with all Missile Type weapons
and a “Pew Pew Pew” Energy event but I will refine the targets and rewards to make it suitable.

As far as posting the details on the Site as well I can do that moving forward but the tracking of progress and rewarding will be in-game for now.

We are looking into some issues where the detail window may not be showing for some people as well as an unrelated crash.


Still waiting for the damage taken stat to be displayed at end of match.

#90 I cant want to


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 03:00 PM

oh joy, lurmageddon week confirmed

#91 Its my first day


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 03:07 PM

You need to consolidate the weapon types or greatly increase the rewards. I think I'd have to buy at least one gun in each category to complete the autocannon events, and sometimes all 4 of the types-I think more often than not I'd have to buy at least 3. Frankly, If i was designing it, I'd just do autocannons by group, UACs, LBX, etc, but if you want to do individual guns then something like UAC 2/UAC 5 in one category, and UAC 10 and UAC 20 in another. To give my perspective on it, I'll probably do the clan gauss one, but I dont really see much reason to go through buying the cannons and figuring out builds for what I have for many others of the weapon type challenges.

#92 Shock21


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 03:11 PM

The event window in game is much too hard to read. It only takes up a small part of the screen and the font is too small.

#93 I cant want to


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 03:11 PM

or combine the weapons by size - AC2, LBX2, ans UAC2 with a common damage goal etc

#94 Britishfish


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 03:17 PM

View PostKiiiddd, on 19 September 2017 - 05:25 PM, said:

PGI be very very careful with these week long weapon events.............This one isn't bad with ballistics but you make a missile one and you will probably lose a bunch of players for a week.

if they make a missile one i will quit until its over no issue at all.

View PostMatt Newman, on 20 September 2017 - 02:32 PM, said:

FYI I am also planning on doing a “Lrmageddon” type event with all Missile Type weapons
and a “Pew Pew Pew” Energy event but I will refine the targets and rewards to make it suitable.

sigh then i read the rest of the posts and see this holiday time for sure lol

Edited by Britishfish, 20 September 2017 - 03:19 PM.

#95 thievingmagpi


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 03:35 PM

Great event! Thanks for the UI redesign. This one should be a breeze.

#96 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 03:39 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 20 September 2017 - 02:32 PM, said:

Keep the Feedback coming guys!
I really appreciate you taking the time to give me feedback and allowing us to continually improve!

This event was born out of some simple criteria I had.
  • Keep the event concept simple (ballistics only)
  • uses statistics we have never used before (Weapon exclusive damage)
  • get the event up early showing the Future events functionality- ( the day before)
  • Create an awesome sale to complement the event (CHECK)
So yeah I think that maybe some of the targets may be high for Damage.

and I get the point that new players at a disadvantage (I will try to address this for future events)
but you don't have to complete every challenge.
I'll Probably throw in some Daily challenges to smooth this one out a bit. Everyone here is really excited about the potential this new system has.

FYI I am also planning on doing a “Lrmageddon” type event with all Missile Type weapons
and a “Pew Pew Pew” Energy event but I will refine the targets and rewards to make it suitable.

As far as posting the details on the Site as well I can do that moving forward but the tracking of progress and rewarding will be in-game for now.

We are looking into some issues where the detail window may not be showing for some people as well as an unrelated crash.



Are you sure you do not have the AC and UAC goals reversed? Especially in the case of the Clan AC. It is a painful weapon to use. In fact, I had to spend between 3-4 million C-Bills just to buy all sizes of ACs and equip them on four of my Mechs. All because I want that darn Rocket Girl for my Mech. Plus for the bigger autocannons it is difficult to boat them on anything other than Assaults which I do not normally play so it is going to be a long painful process to reach that AC10 and AC20 goal using only a pair of AC10s or a single AC20.

Much easier to farm damage on the UACs due to double tap (when they do not jam).

Still I love the Event and the new interface.

Edited by Rampage, 20 September 2017 - 03:44 PM.

#97 Finex Dragon


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 04:00 PM

if you can not see it well it may have to do with screen resolution

or window size

Edited by Finex Dragon, 20 September 2017 - 04:51 PM.

#98 JJs Juggernaut


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 04:05 PM

Cannot see the event window. Highly unfortunate, as events like these really help with C-bill rewards. I see the same as the screenshot on one of the first few pages. Changing the settings to windowed and back to full screen had no effect.

#99 Appogee


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 04:07 PM

That's a lot of grind for not a whole lot of reward.

But oh well, good on those who want to achieve it.

#100 Jingseng


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 04:13 PM

Just to add to the chorus, Event details need to be replicated to the old web portal as well... for those who cant log in.

Also, please clarify - selecting an event is only for the purpose of viewing details. Selecting an event is NOT for the purpose of setting participation. Participation remains automatic.

Correct or incorrect (official response please).

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