Shadowomega1, on 04 October 2017 - 06:17 PM, said:
Back from watching Seal Team; check it and yea you are right, but that 3% isn't much of a difference. However, Light Gauss will vastly out range an AC 10 even an IS UAC 10. AC 2 on the other hand will be in close in optimal range but maintaining that enough shots to the same area once the target knowns what is shooting at it, the target will twist to spread that damage out over as well as take evasive action which will lead to missed shots. It is likely the best option is to remove the light Gauss .5 second charge up and leave everything else alone.
I mean, it doesn't matter. On a Heavy 'Mech, there's nothing you can really fit
with the Light Gauss that can also function at extreme range without dropping to just a single which point you would get better sustained DPS than using it with standard Gauss but worse burst. Seems like a fair trade to me.
On Assaults, the IS could actually use the boost when the sustained DPS from an isERLL boat is 4 and a cERLL boat is 5. So, again, seems like a fair trade to me.
UAC/2 can do enough damage to one spot already that they compete with ERLL and, against IS ERLL, they usually win. No danger of LGauss taking over at only 8 damage, LGauss rounds actually spread even worse than UAC/2 since you can't adjust the DPS stream so finely.
At mid-range, the range...doesn't matter. Because it's mid-range. At 500 meters, there are better things to be using than LGauss, even buffed.
Removing the 0.5 second charge-up has the same effect on DPS as reducing cool-down by 0.5 seconds, but makes the gun more broadly applicable...which makes it too easy to use and obsoletes other weapons. I'd rather just drop the cool-down.