Luminis, on 22 September 2017 - 01:25 AM, said:
I consider that a non-issue. Playing slow brawlers is... Well, it's not exactly good. A brawler that can't close in isn't a threat. And by "slow" I mean "40 kph slow". Playing a brawler that basically has an optimal range of 90 - 270 meters (HPPC deadzone exists, y'know) with that sort of speed is going to be extra painful. There might be builds to worry about, but that ain't one.
In terms of TTK, other Assaults would kill you faster. Period.
Well, my concern is the TTK, not the overall effectiveness of such a build.
Luminis, on 22 September 2017 - 01:25 AM, said:
Also, did TTK really go up by any measurable degree following the GH link?
I would argue that not from a distance than it was before.
Luminis, on 22 September 2017 - 01:25 AM, said:
Being an issue because Clans have the means to sling some hardcore PPFLD damage around shouldn't have prompted a nerf to the IS in the first place, in my opinion.
True, and in the light of that, i am considering 3 weapons before GH, this is to at least lessen the burden of 4 linked weapons. Yes you can also fire 3 PPCs before GH.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
Right, forgot that was a thing. You can tell I don't really play them. That said, the CT does attract way more fire than even the ANH,
Still has to clear the whole 'Mech to fire the Gauss with the Peeps.
Yeah, those arms are really hindering. But 50 PPFLD damage is still pretty powerful all things considering, and would be a worthy trade. First time i used it, didn't do much damage but i was effective at killing. And one time on old Terra Therma Conquest, when i was hot the 2x Gauss were my saving grace.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
Firing HGauss beyond 180 meters wastes a lot of potential and, when you only have 5 shots per ton as a base and only three tons, you really can't be wasting the shots.
But you are still doing a LOT of damage. With say 120 damage to destroy a CT. It doesn't matter if you shell out two 80 shots, two 60 shots would still kill it at two shots, you'd still kill at 5.75s, with a shot done at the 0th second.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
The HPPC will also be poor at trading without any heatsinks. Two shots, then you either cool-shot or you wait a long time. Super easy to push on, especially since any 'Mech running a build like this will be fully committed to any expose action it takes as it is too slow to be anything else.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
Again, though, it's super hot. Fire once, maybe twice, then get rekt.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
You can do 80 once every 5.75 seconds TWICE, and then you are stuck at heat cap without extra DHS and without speed to get into cover. It's totally silly. And that doesn't change at any distance.
But isn't that the point of a low-heat weapon in the mix? So that you still have a pair of weapons to fire when you're really hot?Are you forgetting that you have two Gauss? Two low-heat weapons. That's still 50 damage once you're hot, don't you forget that, it's the point of Gauss.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
Anyway, my point is that there are already builds that can end a 'Mech in one or two well-placed shots. Some of them are not even gimmicks (Space Whale, Space Cat, Scorch, Splat Huntsman, SkillCrow, etc.). I don't think one that is saddled with nearly every drawback it can possibly be saddled with is worth worrying about.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
80 PPFLD at 180 m vs. 88 quasi-PPFLD at 180 m? cLB-20X spread is basically nothing at that range, so I'd choose that, especially because it's also fast enough to actually close on targets in a timely manner.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
And if I want to nuke enemies, I can do it without being so gimmicky. Again, Space Whale and MCII.
But considering that they are missiles, versus a combination Gauss PPC or HGauss and HPPCs, both of which could do immense alpha beyond 270m, and not spread, maybe they actually reserve the right for their alpha.
As for the Space-Whale -- yeah, i get that full 6x CERML + 2x CLPL + 2x Gauss is literally 98 alpha. But that 68 damage isn't PPFLD, it's laser -- one that's not even close under 0.8s of supposedly "Defacto PPFLD".
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
Yeah, I can poke something from a bit further away for 60 PPFLD and I guess that's neat, but at the cost of going 40 kph? Having 15 rounds?
It is low TTK. It's trollish, and suicidal. But so is Direstar.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
Yeah, 3x LPPC is an option if you've got the hardpoints and slots for it.
King Crab 0000 and 000B have, highmounted, and has good convergence.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
2x PPC + 2x Gauss would generally not have been worth it because it's 4 tons to get 5 extra damage and 5.5 extra heat but nothing else; greater speed from a bigger LFE would have been more valuable. The ERPPC are worth it for the better range and velocity sync-up, though.
Well, full interest of disclosure, i don't do 2x Gauss + 2x PPC on the king crab anymore, not after the linking. I haven't tested other setups, but i actually used to go XL on the king crab and i found it to work, at least when i position well. Yes i get ****** by a light on the rear, but hey it works.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
So, like the Direstar, it sucks for one guy in that once-in-a-blue-moon match you encounter it, but I'm not worried about it.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
I don't really worry about gimmick builds like that. It can be annoying to get ganked by one, but really it's dragging down the enemy team more than it is hurting yours and that keeps it from becoming normal. How often do we see a Direstar? Nowhere near often enough to be concerned. I can't even remember the last time I saw one.
Considering that it constitutes to 100 tons of suicidal maniac, sorry but i have to be concerned be it it's my team or my own. It's disruptive to good play, and would equate putting a ***** over a chessboard and say "i win" -- you know why a *****? Because it's a **** move.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
So yeah, TTK would be bad...for one guy in that one in a thousand match you actually encounter it.
Probably the guy riding the meta, there's a reason why it was meta before.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
I mean, do you worry about twin AC/20 + twin HPPC? It's only 10 damage less, but it's a thing we can also do that is also hot and gimmicky, but can at least run faster, fit a couple of extra heatsinks, and avoid managing charge up and recoil shake. Or how about 2x AC/10 + 2x HPPC, which is not actually gimmicky?
Actually i find that gimmicky. It's too hot, it has immense alpha, and yes it would have low TTK, also pretty bad build and suicidal. Two AC20 alone generates a considerable heat when fired together, compare that to two HGR that doesn't create much heat and would end up sustainable.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
If it makes you feel better, keep HGauss at 2 and link it in so that can't be abused, I don't really care. As long as its stuck doing full damage at only 180 m with all the other limitations it has, it will always be a piddly weapon.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2017 - 01:07 AM, said:
5The ability to do 50 PPFLD from a good distance is still in the game without using the gimmicky HGauss, BTW. AC/10 sync better with HPPC than Gauss does anyway.
Well, now that you did raised the point of splat builds, i have to concede that they are kind of simmilar, the missiles just becomes ****** at the distance where the HGauss could perform. And as for the 2x AC10 + 2x HPPC, Yes i concede that's 50 PPFLD, but as with the gauss PPC mix, it comes to the territory that GRs are relatively cool and have good projectile speeds.
Don't take this the wrong way, i still frown upon them, and i acknowledge that 50 PPFLD in the game. But In the light of our discussion would concede that perhaps Gauss PPC has something more than just PPFLD.
Perhaps just link 3 of gauss and ppcs all at once? That means you can still fire two gauss and one PPC without penalty, or two PPC with one gauss without penalty, but it does lessen the penalty with the use of 2x Gauss + 2x PPC of any combination.
Or at least maybe to the IS only.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 24 September 2017 - 07:10 PM.