I get why the PPC / Gauss combo was nerfed, don't get me wrong. But here we are, with Laser Vomit and Gauss Vomit being the meta defining builds. My impression is that the old fashioned PPC / Gauss builds couldn't possibly kill or cripple 'Mechs any faster than the current Gauss / Laser Vomit builds can. They might be able to compete with Gauss / Laser Vomit builds, though, not least of all because of the much shorter facetime they require.
In other words, 50 points of pinpoint damage (plus ten splash damage) don't seem nearly as OP now that we've got some builds pushing 78 damage alphas with pure Laser builds or even 80+ with Gauss Vomit.
Most importantly, though, I'd argue that hitting the IS Gausses and PPCs was a huge mistake. A seriously, seriously big mistake. Would've gone a long way in the "equal but different" approach if the IS retained the Gauss / PPC combo. Fits with the "shorter burn time / less splash" motif as well. With that weapon combo in place for the IS only, the Nightstar might actually prove to be a huge bump in overall power for the IS. Dunno whether 2x Gauss + 2 Heavy PPC is feasible, but even ERPPCs or regular PPCs would do, I guess.
And here's the poll.
So, tl;dr:
PGI, plz unlink Gauss / PPC at least for the IS to improve balance, kthxbye.
On a side note, revoking it on the Clan side also means the Deathstrike isn't the uncontested best variant of the Mad Cat Mk II anymore.
Edited by Luminis, 21 September 2017 - 08:27 AM.