Current stats:
Damage: 8
Heat: 1
Range: 750 m
Velocity: 2000 m/s
Cooldown: 3.25 s
Charge-up: 0.5s
DPS: 2.13
This gun is still irredeemably bad. Why? Well, let me enlighten you using a brief example which you can replicate or very nearly replicate with almost any extreme range weapon you want:
Three ERLL have a max DPS of 6.00. With 20x DHS, which you can get easy if all you have is 3x ERLL, you have a maximum sustained DPS of 3.90. Two Light Gauss have a maximum DPS of 4.26. But that's better, you say. Well, no. That's the maximum DPS, period: total and sustained. Its burst is a piddly 16. The ERLL have a burst DPS of 24.5. The ERLL, therefore, have a comparable sustained DPS, a superior maximum DPS, and 50% more burst DPS compared to a pair of Light Gauss. A pair of Light Gauss which weigh 24 tons all by themselves, while a trio of ERLL and 10 DHS are 25. I still need to invest in another 4-5 tons to get enough ammo to give the guns enough potential damage to be at all worthwhile. We haven't even begun talking about how having to calculate deflection at those long ranges increases exposure time, while the laser just rips out the round immediately and gets to have your torso while you make that calculation.
And that's just using IS weapons. It gets even more fun when we compare it to cERLL, because then we get to remove the range advantage out of the equation entirely instead of just ignoring it because most engagements won't take place outside of 800 meters anyway. And then there's the ERPPC, which has inferior sustain but who cares? It has superior burst at 20 and doesn't even use ammo. And the Clan one deals bonus damage.
And no, you can't really combine it with lasers. There is no point. If you are adding lasers, you are going for a burst build over sustain. You need a fourth ERLL added to a build that would otherwise to 3x ERLL + Gauss, and in exchange you spend 32 tons on weapons instead of 30, you get level 1 ghost heat, and you get worse sustained DPS when you fall back on just the Gauss than you would had you taken normal Gauss. There's no synergy there.
The only 'Mechs which can really get away with Light Gauss are those with at least a 10% cooldown to ballistics and full investment into cool-down. Then, your cool-down goes to 2.535 seconds and your DPS goes up to 2.6. And even then, you still need a very long game to have an impact if you are actually using it at-range.
TL;DR: cool-down needs to be at most 2.5 seconds with zero counterbalance anywhere else on the gun or the damage needs to go up to 10 with the current cool-down and also zero additional counterbalance.
Anybody else spent a lot of time with this weapon?
Edited by Yeonne Greene, 20 September 2017 - 07:25 PM.