FuzzyNZ, on 29 September 2017 - 11:45 PM, said:
I've played at least 10 games, haven't seen a single incursion yet, yet alone win one.
I played for about 10 hours on and off last night. I didn't count, but I had to get at least 12 drops... During that entire time, the game only gave me three different game modes. Assault once, skirmish twice and the rest siege.
I'm nearly done with all of the mech challenges, but am nowhere close to having a win for each mode. Obviously, whoever thought up the parameters didn't think them through very well. The challenge is highly imbalanced. Players can pretty much ignore the assist and dmg challenges, most can ignore the solo kill thing too. Heck, players who drop balanced decks can ignore the kill requirements too. Those conditions will almost certainly resolve themselves as you waste hours upon hours trying to get a win in each game mode.
(Like for assaults, you have to get 20 kills, but just 5 assists and just 4000dmg? I bet it's not even possible to get 20 kills with just 4000 dmg, and have 5 assists or less... Why not just say get 20 kills and drop the other stupid requirements that are statistically irrelevant?)
I suspect this will be like past challenges where a win in each mode was required. Twice I have been unable to complete those challenges. Not because I didn't help my teams win, and not because I didn't spent A LOT of time playing the game (check my stats), but rather because design flaws in the game itself meant that I never got a single drop in the required game mode, or if I did get the needed mode, the broken matchmaker kept putting me on teams that had no chance of winning against a much more skilled enemy.
PGI, please learn from your mistakes and stop giving us challenge requirements like this that are wildly imbalanced.