We'll start with my first... the Jackal, or as I call it, the Dingo
![Posted Image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLO_azMVYAAUjBB.jpg)
Based off the 3D model our own @kiriage painstakingly built out of my line art. We traded ideas back and forth for the better part of a year, even coming up with a unique hidden hip design to allow the chicken walker design to actually move like a true digitigrade.
Next comes one of my personal favorites... the Mackie, or as I tend to call it, the BigMac
![Posted Image](https://orig00.deviantart.net/3ba8/f/2017/272/4/9/bigmac_by_bishopsteiner-dboxr75.jpg)
This is, in my head canon, technically the Mackie mkII, not the very first, primitive tech version. The Mackie itself, was actually not only in service all the way until the fall of the Star League, but was constantly updated. This version represents the first steps into "level 1" or standard 3025 Battletech technology levels. The armor is modern, and as such they were able to add more contour, etc to the design. Eventually a mkIII chassis was also developed sometime during the late 8 series and through the 9 series, incorporating "level 2" or the advanced Star League technology.
Next? The first mech I ever rolled and used in TT. The Warhammer, or "Krieghammer" in this guise.
![Posted Image](https://orig00.deviantart.net/01a0/f/2017/274/5/3/22050272_342382646222898_4361690897658582196_n_by_bishopsteiner-dbp7m0i.jpg)
Mind you this is not representing the 6R or models we know in the 3rd Succession War and later. This is my own head canon "Primitive" version, using Primitive construction rules, including a Primitive Cockpit, Engine and Armor. It's armament is similar to the later 6R, but it has less heatsinks, the Armor is not as effective, and it has a top speed of 54 kph due to the primitive engine used.
And then we get to the big ol nasty Axeman... or Lumberjack as I like to call it. Because it's OK.
![Posted Image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLO_ZkmUEAAbN4Z.jpg)
And yes, there is a 2N version with twin LRM15s in the works. When I have photos... so will you! Honestly, not my favorite mech design, but it was much requested, so here it is. I vastly prefer little brother!
Oh... speaking of little brother? The Hatchetman, or as I call him.. Tinman.
![Posted Image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLO5pZOUMAAGYRc.jpg)
and Badonkadonk Cam engaged....
![Posted Image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLO-c6CVwAALfFu.jpg)
My favorite of Duane Loose's original TRO 3025 designs (and coincidentally the first mech he ever drew, as, in his own words.. proof he could draw Mechs to Jordan and FASA, lol. Mind you I didn't make this to "improve" on his... IMO that cannot be done. But in fairness, the AC10 never made sense, and there was no possible way a human actually could fit in that head. Thus.. this version.
.... more to come?
These are high pressure cast Resin, not 3D prints, so no STL files are available, etc... and the quality, with much cleaner castings than the average hobby 3D Printers. I hope you enjoy!
*Will edit in as painted versions and new models become available.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 04 October 2017 - 10:34 AM.