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Battle Of Luthien Results

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#81 Dru The Blue


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 07:30 PM

I love this game and have always had extremely low expectations from pgi but this is exceptionally disappointing.

#82 Nightbird


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 07:31 PM

Sighz, a joke of an event ends with a joke, it's fitting. :leaves:

#83 arcana75


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 07:34 PM

View PostXavori, on 17 October 2017 - 07:25 PM, said:

If you're going to argue real world:

Then after getting pummeled from 3 1/2 days or so, the IS has no resources left at all. Zilch. So instead of fighting as if nothing happened the first few days of the event, they have to fight with, well, nothing.

Instead, the first few days of the event were treated as if they never happened, and then to make it even easier on the IS, the end of the event was scheduled on a weekday during work hours meaning that not only did the IS suffer nothing for getting stomped for three days, but then they got to fight against a tiny fraction of the potential enemies, and more importantly, none of the organized clan units.

The result is still far from a tie, no? Either the Clanners took over Luthien or the Combine held onto it. Even if the IS rallied in the dying hours and edged out a small percentage to deny the Clanners a victory, the end result is the Combine holds onto Luthien, and that's a Victory for the Combine, and a loss for the Clanners. There is literally no tie in the conclusion of a combat action that requires a red force to take over a location, and a blue force to defend it. Either the defenders get overrun or the siege force gives up, either condition is a victory, there is no tie.

#84 dr3dnought


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 07:39 PM

View PostXavori, on 17 October 2017 - 07:25 PM, said:

Instead, the first few days of the event were treated as if they never happened...

The first few days meant that IS had no hope of actually getting the bar all the way to the other side to win and get their Mauler.

View PostHemholtz, on 17 October 2017 - 07:29 PM, said:

Did we really end the whole thing at exactly 50%?

No it would have been at least 75% to the left, IS just pushing out of the capture zone, based on when I last saw it (3 hours before the end)

#85 -Ramrod-


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 07:41 PM

Eh I'm not too worried about it. I don't particularly care for Champion variants anyways. I'd rather have a c-bill variant. What's the point of an xp variant when you're done exping it? At least the c-bill bonus continues to be useful.



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Posted 17 October 2017 - 07:43 PM

So where's my Mauler?
Planet held = IS victory.

#87 Dee Eight


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 07:52 PM

View PostSimulacrum, on 17 October 2017 - 02:45 PM, said:

And thats the major drawback of the new event system. You could, theoretically, win 90% of the time but if the other side wins their 10% at the right time you fail to win the event. That would be a weak game system.

Perhaps, but its also historically correct. Look at WW2 history. Germany won roughly 90% up until the winter fiasco in russia and Japan was winning about 90% of the time up until Midway.

#88 Michal R


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 07:58 PM

Lol ... claners, next time play to the end .... stop bitching you win Tuk 1 in the same way ....
See yaa in the next planet lazzy claners; )

#89 H33R0 y0


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 08:40 PM

The only good thing about MWO anymore is MRBC, FW releated stuff has become a joke.

#90 Holy Jackson


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 09:10 PM

I'll say it again, give the IS their mechs. This isn't a tie, this is an everybody loses. It's really stupid.

#91 clan hope


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 09:15 PM

View PostMichal R, on 17 October 2017 - 07:58 PM, said:

Lol ... claners, next time play to the end .... stop bitching you win Tuk 1 in the same way ....
See yaa in the next planet lazzy claners; )

was mad at first about IS winning this.But after reading the comments and looking and the fw map, the only thing IS could move the bar on was scouting because of 55 ton mechs and an *** load more armor i dont even think the storm crow would have helped to be frank... its fun to me lazzy clanners as Michal R says made me laugh so hard because of all the nerfs clan has and all the ghost heat and the lack of quirks to are mechs,armor and the 240/50 tons vs 265/55 tons to drop decks... u couldnt really do nothing with the cooperation of the clans... so i see we lost but only in scouting oh and they wasnt a time for the battle of each planet whether it was and 100% to 98% to my understanding u lose that planet am i wrong??? so i say lazy IS

Edited by clan hope, 17 October 2017 - 09:16 PM.

#92 slide


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 09:59 PM

View PostDee Eight, on 17 October 2017 - 07:52 PM, said:

Perhaps, but its also historically correct. Look at WW2 history. Germany won roughly 90% up until the winter fiasco in russia and Japan was winning about 90% of the time up until Midway.

A more accurate analogy would be the Battle of Britain. The Brits were losing, badly for a while, they lost every time a fighter was shot down or bombs fell on London. But they held on long enough until it was no longer worth it to the Germans who had also at that point decided to take on the Russians. Then all of a sudden the Brits had won.

#93 Chester Rico


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 10:21 PM

Erm, how is it a tie?

Keeping a planet means winning the siege right? I'm confused.

View PostLORD ORION, on 17 October 2017 - 07:43 PM, said:

So where's my Mauler?
Planet held = IS victory.

Don't be a cheapskate, buy your own Mauler! ;)

#94 Xavori


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 10:25 PM

View Postslide, on 17 October 2017 - 09:59 PM, said:

A more accurate analogy would be the Battle of Britain. The Brits were losing, badly for a while, they lost every time a fighter was shot down or bombs fell on London. But they held on long enough until it was no longer worth it to the Germans who had also at that point decided to take on the Russians. Then all of a sudden the Brits had won.

Uh. No.

That's a terrible analogy.

See, at no point did the German's move the invasion bar to 100%. And, if they had done so, the war wouldn't have stopped counting because the bar only goes to 100%. Then, the war wouldn't have ended with 3/4th's of the Germans either asleep or at work.

But please. Keep trying silly real world analogies for this terribad event. They're entertaining.

p.s. I actually prefer the 4 million c-bills and a mech bay to having a Mist Lynx cluttering up my garage, so I'm not at all salty about the rewards. It's just that it was such a ridiculous outcome based entirely on bad scorekeeping given how the event actually played out.

#95 ARM32


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 10:48 PM

Event result judgment - failure.
Patch - bugged and got delayed.
Wanna buy a MechPack?.......

#96 Vellron2005


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 11:05 PM

View PostARM32, on 17 October 2017 - 10:48 PM, said:

Event result judgment - failure.
Patch - bugged and got delayed.
Wanna buy a MechPack?.......

Agreed.. This is just sad..

If Clans didn't win, the IS should have.. nowhere in the event info has there been any word on "what if it's a draw?"

What really irks me is how long is Russ gonna keep around people who keep getting overruled by the community?

These latest patch changes are great example.. if you wanna do your job and balance things, and people are literally quitting the game over it, and there's a shait storm on the forums over your "good work", and you have to "tone it down", you're doing something wrong as a game developer..

In my humble opinion, the forums are kinda ablaze over how much the clans were stomping the IS this event, so PGI just went "ok, so the clans won every Tukayyid, let's not let them stomp IS again, cose' we'll never hear the end of it.. there, make it a draw, so nobody wins".

That's pretty much what happened / how this draw feels..

It would have been more honest to just let the IS win it outright.. although nobody would have believed that happened either..


Keep in mind that not too long ago, PGI officially apologized for "a disappointing event" when the challenge involved getting a win in a certain mode. (despite them being warned about that many many times before) They gave everybody 2 million cbills and some MC I think, or something like that..

HOW MUCH LONGER will PGI keep around people that make events that end only in frustration and expect people to keep playing this game and buy mechpacks?!

Edited by Vellron2005, 17 October 2017 - 11:12 PM.

#97 Black Ivan


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 11:25 PM

PGI couldn't stand and see the IS loose as predicted before the event, so the made it that there is a draw. PGI again denies the large gap between Clan and IS with this joke end of and already joke event.

With this FW is done for me. End of line and close if wallet

#98 dominikabra


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 11:39 PM

Still can't believe the news, at first I thought it was a joke. The clans pummel IS all weekend-long and that counts for nothing when there's a last minute effort by the IS side that makes them recover some of the progress bar. As has been stated before, each victory should account for one point and in the end, the score determines the victor.

That being said, if the clans don't win, IS wins. I say give them their Mauler (I'm a clanner myself), or give us the Mist Lynx. I don't buy this "in real war nobody wins" thing. It feels really cheap.

When everybody else feels ripped-off, maybe not everybody else is wrong, PGI?

Edited by dominikabra, 17 October 2017 - 11:40 PM.

#99 ZortPointNarf


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 11:44 PM

I am quite chuffed by this ending, I was expecting clams to stomp the spheroids again.

The win condition for both factions is 95%+, more fair than that you really can't get.
Can you imagine the outrage if clan "lost" at 94%, if the entire bar is IS victory as some would suggest.
Sure I am bummed that I didn't get the mech, but what a valiant effort, when I last checked it was 99% for clams.
If I have one area of concern it's that IS could undo so many Clam wins in such a relatively short time, when viewed against event duration.

4 mil buys me a shiny new light engine, so I am happy either way. :)

Fun event PGI, keep it up and don't let the loreroids bum you out, it's a game, not a historical movie, we influence the outcome, not the lore.

#100 SeventhSL


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 11:55 PM

Yer I think the ending is rather comical. I'm actually pleased it wasn't yet another Clan stomp though. Just wish the IS PUGs got a Mauler as their champion Mech reward. They deserve it after putting up with the Merc units for so long.

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