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8V8 When?

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#21 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 30 October 2017 - 03:31 PM

im hoping for a test soon,

many people are on ether side of the discussion,
which is fine, just remember to keep it civil guys, Posted Image

im actually hopeful for 8v8, i feel it will bring better matches(although perhaps small)
and increase the use for good scouting and flanking, as well as increase TTK(although perhaps small)
but then again the test is the most important part, i may find i dont like 8v8, and Dimento may find he loves it,
the game has changed much since 8v8, and im willing to see what the Test brings,

ill look forward to seeing you all in game, take care Posted Image

Edited by Andi Nagasia, 30 October 2017 - 03:32 PM.

#22 Dimento Graven


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 03:45 PM

View PostXiphias, on 30 October 2017 - 03:01 PM, said:

TTK is determined for a single mech and is basically armor/DPS. If you go from 12 to 8 the amount of armor on a mech doesn't change, but the amount of firepower that can be brought on it does.

If a mech stands in the open it's going to die faster with 12 mechs shooting at it than with 8 mechs shooting at it. Sure, if every mech shoots at different targets TTK is the same in a 1v1 as in a 12v12. In practice though mechs focus fire and that single mech dies much faster. Having less firepower on the field will increase TTK. Brawling for example has better odds of surviving when crossing the open against ranged mechs.
Except that the amount of armor on a leg hasn't changed. Let's say it takes only 120 points of damage to core the CT of the average 'mech. Let's say the average alpha is 50 points. 12 'mechs focusing on a 'mech hit for 600 points of damage. Result: Dead 'mech first salvo. Likewise, 8 'mechs focusing on an enemy hit for 400 points of damage. Result: Dead 'mech first salvo.

Difference in TTK: None.


As you've actually admitted in your example, it will increase the TTK for that potato. With fewer mechs there are fewer cases where you will get a lot of mechs against a small number. It doesn't always increase TTK, but overall it certainly will. It definitely makes it more forgiving if a player accidentally peeks the wrong corner or crosses the wrong spot.
No, I don't think I admitted that all. Pretty sure I argued against it. The potato will die just as fast as they do now, just as fast as they did in the original 8v8 format.


This terribly flawed logic though.

By your argument if we go down to 1v1 BOTH SIDES will have the same number of players, and overall will have the same level of importance now.

That simply isn't true. It's clear that in a 1v1 the player has 100% importance to whether or not they win the match. In rough terms the importance of a single play is 1/(total number of players). While this isn't strictly true the more players you have the harder it is for a single player to make a significant impact. It's just how things average out. If you had 1000 players on each side having one really good player is going to make less of a difference.
So what you're saying is you want to be punished even more for MM stuffing potatoes in your group then? Since 1/8 > 1/12, that means you get stuck with a potato or two (or just the standard "random" DC), and you're probably doomed to lose. Funny I remember people making that complaint back when 8v8 was all we had.

The point actually should be: This is a team game. The team members should coordinate amongst themselves to do well in the match. In 8v8 if you had a 'rambozo' or a potato, or a disco your team was disproportionately punished for that.

Yes, in 12v12 that punishment can be felt "less" as there are more team members to make up the difference. But every member of an 8v8 team is just as important as every member of a 12v12 team.


And in my experience I don't really see much change, just a dilution of what a single player or small group can do. For 90% of the pug matches I'm in it's just deathball/nascar/hide and poke.
Just like it was in 8v8, by the way...


With 8v8 at least the matchmaking can be better.
Well, until everyone gets bored of the limited play style available in 8v8, gets bored and leaves the game. THEN you're back to the current match maker problems: Not enough population to let it function as intended.


Organized play adds a lot of strategy and tactics, for pugging 8v8 is more rewarding because it rewards individual effort a lot more. Even in organized play having more mechs tends to lead to more static play because of the above mentioned TTK.
More 'mechs has always equaled more options. Less pieces in a game doesn't increase complexity or available strategies, very much the opposite.

#23 C E Dwyer


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 03:48 PM

8v8 in Q.P yet another compelling reason to uninstal

#24 SFC174


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 03:49 PM

I find it amusing, now bordering on irritating, that folks in favor of 8v8 keep bringing up the same arguments without proof.

For example, the idea that matchmaking will be better. The only way you can logically come to that conclusion is if you believe that currently player ranking (PSR) is an accurate representation of skill/ability to contribute, and that the dearth of available players is leading to expanded tier matches which is reducing matchmaking quality.

Yet, we all know that such a belief is not grounded in any sort of factual data. There are people in Tier1 that have horrible stats, yet they are weighted equally with Tier1 players in the top 1% when it comes to PSR based matchmaking. Thus, more Tier1 only matches will not mean improved matchmaking, because the fundamental basis for said matchmaking is fatally flawed to begin with.

We could also poke holes in the idea of TTK increasing (how many times do you get focused by more than 3-4 mechs at a time, and if so, how in the hell did you make that mistake ;) - not aimed at anyone in particular, but seriously, the "8 mechs have less firepower than 12 so TTK will go up" is a logical dead end because you are ignoring all the variables involved in focused fire).

Personally, I suspect that grouping up and deathballing would be more common in 8v8 today because leaving the group would be much scarier and more impacting if that gamble fails. But that's just an opinion, don't have any basis for that other than PUG observations.

#25 Cizjut


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 04:22 PM

View PostSFC174, on 30 October 2017 - 03:49 PM, said:

I find it amusing, now bordering on irritating, that folks in favor of 8v8 keep bringing up the same arguments without proof.

For example, the idea that matchmaking will be better. The only way you can logically come to that conclusion is if you believe that currently player ranking (PSR) is an accurate representation of skill/ability to contribute, and that the dearth of available players is leading to expanded tier matches which is reducing matchmaking quality.

Yet, we all know that such a belief is not grounded in any sort of factual data. There are people in Tier1 that have horrible stats, yet they are weighted equally with Tier1 players in the top 1% when it comes to PSR based matchmaking. Thus, more Tier1 only matches will not mean improved matchmaking, because the fundamental basis for said matchmaking is fatally flawed to begin with.

We could also poke holes in the idea of TTK increasing (how many times do you get focused by more than 3-4 mechs at a time, and if so, how in the hell did you make that mistake Posted Image - not aimed at anyone in particular, but seriously, the "8 mechs have less firepower than 12 so TTK will go up" is a logical dead end because you are ignoring all the variables involved in focused fire).

Personally, I suspect that grouping up and deathballing would be more common in 8v8 today because leaving the group would be much scarier and more impacting if that gamble fails. But that's just an opinion, don't have any basis for that other than PUG observations.

We still have to try and see. I remember Titanfall 2 having a balance problem some months ago with some weapons. Some people disliked how obscenely low the TTK was, other found that nerfing them would mean the death to the game because they were their favorites. Respawn did a Test Queue with the "High TTK" mode to see what sticks for shits and giggles. Turns out a lot was learned from it and some changes made it live, some didn't, and it was an interesting experience. Even so, the High TTK mode was said to maybe make a comeback in another form, not just for testing, but because it was a fun mode to tinker with. It even spawned the health modifier option in private matches.

Everyone saying AWW I HATE 8V8 BECAUSE I REMEMBER IT AND IT SUCKED BECAUSE REASONS it's silly because every reason i've read right now is on 12v12 anyways right now. I'm willing to try new things at this point because i'm bored of the same meta game and because the game is declining all years anyways.

What if it accelerates the death? What if it doesn't? Well, let's try it as a beta queue.

#26 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 04:33 PM

Where's all the people who support 8v8 at right now? Usually its massive majority support for 8v8, but the 8v8 haters have been a lot more vocal recently.

Bandito must be asleep or something.

Anyway, I'm still waiting for 8v8 to come back, 12v12 was a bad mistake that has lead to stale gameplay, less teamwork, less ability for players to make their mark in the match, lower FPS, lower graphics, and generally much less fun gameplay. Even the 4v4 matches we find in scouting queue and in PTS servers show that the game is much more fun with the lower player count per match, 8v8 would provide a great balance between skirmishing, sniping, and brawling while 12v12 kills brawling and 4v4 kills sniping.

#27 SFC174


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 04:49 PM

View PostCizjut, on 30 October 2017 - 04:22 PM, said:

What if it accelerates the death? What if it doesn't? Well, let's try it as a beta queue.

Because no one plays on the test server. I do (feel like it gives me a competitive advantage), but most don't. Thus, when Russ mentioned 8v8 he said it would be a live server test. Given that there are a number of people who are vehemently against it (based upon past experience, I started after it went to 12v12), they won't bother to play, which would skew opinion in favor of 8v8. And if it goes in, you're probably going to lose more player base. I don't see anyone quitting right now because of 12v12 (maybe I'm wrong)

But in reality, my objection to 8v8 is that, short of having problems with queue times, I don't think it solves any of the major problems with the game. IMO, the two biggest problems are balancing issues (I'm a Clan player and I think the IS still gets the short end of the stick) and matchmaking. I think the balancing issue is the harder, but more publicly visible issue, to solve. But for me matchmaking is the bigger issue that PGI keeps neglecting. I am completely against major changes like going to 8v8 until matchmaking and balance are addressed. 8v8 is an unnecessary change, divisive, potentially game damaging, and I really don't see 12v12 as an issue. Fix the other stuff first, then consider 8v8.

#28 Bud Crue


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 04:54 PM

Thee most significant reason that I am opposed to 8v8 is a simple one: It reduces the opportunity I have for dropping with those that I enjoy dropping with.

At this point I play this game for the social aspect more than for any other reason (immersion is a pipe dream, balance is a fiction pushed for no other reason than to sell new mechs and create a cbill sink, the quality of the mechporn of late has been sorely lacking...that leaves the community being all that is really left) and most nights, including many weeknights, me and mine are running as a 10-12 man in group queue. Dropping the game to 8v8 means 2-4 of us have to drop out and that means the people that I enjoy spending time shooting stompy robots with are limited. And that imho is a bunch of BS, right there.

I have other reasons too, but that is the biggest one.

Edited by Bud Crue, 30 October 2017 - 04:54 PM.

#29 Khobai


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 05:46 PM


"Carrying" in a team-based game is a terrible idea to promote. It needs to be nuked from orbit.

having to suffer useless potatos being on your team in a team based game is whats terrible

thats why carrying should be a thing, because of all the bads that ruin the game if you cant carry

#30 FupDup


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 05:49 PM

View PostKhobai, on 30 October 2017 - 05:46 PM, said:

having to suffer useless potatos being on your team in a team based game is whats terrible

thats why carrying should be a thing, because of all the bads that ruin the game if you cant carry

The problem is that it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Potatoes getting carried means that they'll stay closer to your rank instead of sinking down appropriately, which means you will have to continue carrying them for a long time.

#31 Khobai


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 05:51 PM


The problem is that it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Potatoes getting carried means that they'll stay closer to your rank instead of sinking down appropriately, which means you will have to continue carrying them for a long time.

which is why matchmaker shouldnt care about wins or losses. only match score.

top8 players by matchscore go up in rank
middle8 stay the same
bottom8 go down in rank

wow khobai you just fixed the matchmaker so players actually have to do consistently well in order to advance in tier

potatos wouldnt be able to advance in tier by parasiting off good players then

Edited by Khobai, 30 October 2017 - 05:54 PM.

#32 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 05:54 PM

View PostFupDup, on 30 October 2017 - 05:49 PM, said:

The problem is that it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Potatoes getting carried means that they'll stay closer to your rank instead of sinking down appropriately, which means you will have to continue carrying them for a long time.

Exactly why people should understand that win loss ratio as the main factor of moving up or down in tier is a failure of matchmaking. People should be matched up based on their actual contributions to the win, damage, kills, assists.

#33 Xiphias


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 05:54 PM

View PostDimento Graven, on 30 October 2017 - 03:45 PM, said:

Except that the amount of armor on a leg hasn't changed. Let's say it takes only 120 points of damage to core the CT of the average 'mech. Let's say the average alpha is 50 points. 12 'mechs focusing on a 'mech hit for 600 points of damage. Result: Dead 'mech first salvo. Likewise, 8 'mechs focusing on an enemy hit for 400 points of damage. Result: Dead 'mech first salvo.

Difference in TTK: None.

Let's say there is linear damage falloff for your 600/400 points of damage. At optimal range (x) TTK is the same. At maximum range (2x) no damage is done. With 600 points of damage the max kill range is 1.8x, with 400 it is 1.7x. With 400m optimal range weapons that's 40m difference, with 800m it's 80m, not huge, but potentially significant in a fight.

In a bit of a more practical sense, by your math it takes 3 mechs to insta kill a single mech. In a 12v12 that means that there can be 3 groups that can instantly kill a mech. In an 8v8 there are only two groups that can do this. Again not a major difference, but it does increase TTK. The more players on each side the greater the chance that individual players are going to get insta-killed. The fewer players the more coordinated an attack has to be to instantly kill a target. You only need 20% accuracy/engagement from a 12 man, but you need 30% from an 8 man.

Also of importance is the rate at which the damage is coming in. That's why PPCs are more dangerous than lasers. With a slow rate of incoming damage the player has time to twist and spread damage to different components. More players increases the rate of incoming damage and reduces the amount of time the player has to twist. This is part of why high alpha laser vomit is effective and why chain firing is bad.


No, I don't think I admitted that all. Pretty sure I argued against it. The potato will die just as fast as they do now, just as fast as they did in the original 8v8 format.

View PostDimento Graven, on 30 October 2017 - 02:14 PM, said:

the same idiot potatoes who insist on running out into open field will be just as focused as they were before, the only difference 4 less 'mechs are going to make is about 1 extra second of life.


So what you're saying is you want to be punished even more for MM stuffing potatoes in your group then? Since 1/8 > 1/12, that means you get stuck with a potato or two (or just the standard "random" DC), and you're probably doomed to lose. Funny I remember people making that complaint back when 8v8 was all we had.

Sure, a single disco is going to make a bigger difference in 8v8 just like in scouting. It's a fair point and a valid concern. The effect of each individual player is going to matter more. A good player will have a higher impact on the team as will a potato. More players smooths out the effect of individual contribution. Currently we have scouting and I really enjoy that mode, in part because it feels like I can make a significant contribution. I won't always have potatoes on my team, but I will always have myself on the team. If I can contribute more than the average potato it's a net win for me.


The point actually should be: This is a team game. The team members should coordinate amongst themselves to do well in the match. In 8v8 if you had a 'rambozo' or a potato, or a disco your team was disproportionately punished for that.

But in practice it isn't this. Teams lose in the mechlab, are unlikely to listen, and even if they do often lack the skill to execute things properly. Good players already know where they need to go and what they need to do. It takes very little effort to coordinate an experienced group.

If I want a team I go and play in group queue because I at least know that I can depend on my teammates. In solo queue I just go in with the mindset that half my team isn't going to know what they are doing and that I'll probably have to work extra hard if I want to win.


Yes, in 12v12 that punishment can be felt "less" as there are more team members to make up the difference. But every member of an 8v8 team is just as important as every member of a 12v12 team.

Just like it was in 8v8, by the way...

I still don't understand what you mean by this. If I have 1000 teammates I care a whole lot less if one of them dies than if I only have one teammate. You've just said the effect can be felt less. It has less impact on the team performance. That player is less important to the team. You mean that in a 2 man team both players are equally important within the team?


More 'mechs has always equaled more options. Less pieces in a game doesn't increase complexity or available strategies, very much the opposite.

In some ways more mechs does decrease the strategies available. Take Canyon for example. In a 1v1 situation there are a lot of places that a player can move/hide/poke. A good light pilot can take advantage of this to work down a bigger mech over time by disengaging and reengaging from different locations.

With larger groups there are more mechs covering positions making it harder to sneak around or engage from a flank because there are more mechs available to cover the flanks. In an 8v8 it's a significant investment to send two mechs to chase off a flanker. In a 12v12 it's not nearly as significant. At a certain point having more mechs actually decreases your tactical options because there simply isn't enough space for all the mechs. You can't push a small choke point against a large team because the mechs will block each other and get focused down. A small team can push another small team through that same choke because they don't have as many mechs.

More mechs can equal more options, but it doesn't always.

View PostSFC174, on 30 October 2017 - 03:49 PM, said:

I find it amusing, now bordering on irritating, that folks in favor of 8v8 keep bringing up the same arguments without proof.

For example, the idea that matchmaking will be better. The only way you can logically come to that conclusion is if you believe that currently player ranking (PSR) is an accurate representation of skill/ability to contribute, and that the dearth of available players is leading to expanded tier matches which is reducing matchmaking quality.

Yet, we all know that such a belief is not grounded in any sort of factual data. There are people in Tier1 that have horrible stats, yet they are weighted equally with Tier1 players in the top 1% when it comes to PSR based matchmaking. Thus, more Tier1 only matches will not mean improved matchmaking, because the fundamental basis for said matchmaking is fatally flawed to begin with.

PSR does a decent job for the lower tiers. It's really only in T1 that it starts to fall apart. It would definitely help players in lower tiers to be more evenly matched. Ideally there would also be an adjustment to deal with the T1 problem, but that is a separate issue.


We could also poke holes in the idea of TTK increasing (how many times do you get focused by more than 3-4 mechs at a time, and if so, how in the hell did you make that mistake Posted Image - not aimed at anyone in particular, but seriously, the "8 mechs have less firepower than 12 so TTK will go up" is a logical dead end because you are ignoring all the variables involved in focused fire).

In bigger groups there are more groups of 3-4 mechs that can potentially 1 shot you, the rate of DPS is overall going to be faster, and there are few places where a player can disengage from that fire (more enemy angles). In a 2v2 where pilots are focusing, one mech will die twice as fast as it would in a 1v1. Sure there are other variables, but even when you add them in it basically boils down to more mechs = more firepower = dies faster. The details are more complicated, but the conclusion is fairly sound.


Personally, I suspect that grouping up and deathballing would be more common in 8v8 today because leaving the group would be much scarier and more impacting if that gamble fails. But that's just an opinion, don't have any basis for that other than PUG observations.

For people that know what they are doing it would be less scary and for people that don't they should have stayed with the deathball anyway. The number of pugs I've watched die from "flanking" is way too high.

I'm not even calling for 8v8 to come back. I really don't feel strongly one way or another. I can see the pros and cons of both. I do think that when it's introduced it's probably a sign that the game is dying though.

#34 El Bandito


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 06:03 PM

8v8 can't come here soon enough. Aside from many things it will improve, such as MM, wait time, TTK, map utilization, and game performance, it will make fights far more personal.

#35 Mikayshen


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 06:32 PM

Hopefully never. There's enough problems with disconnects in 12v12, 2 people on a team disconnect and it's more than likely a guaranteed loss for that team. If 2 people disconnect on one team in an 8v8 then it's an unrecoverable loss. Even just 1 person in 12v12 usually hurts but it can be recoverable, 1 in an 8v8 is a bigger disadvantage. I for one hope that we never switch to an 8v8

#36 SFC174


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 06:40 PM

View PostXiphias, on 30 October 2017 - 05:54 PM, said:

In bigger groups there are more groups of 3-4 mechs that can potentially 1 shot you, the rate of DPS is overall going to be faster, and there are few places where a player can disengage from that fire (more enemy angles). In a 2v2 where pilots are focusing, one mech will die twice as fast as it would in a 1v1. Sure there are other variables, but even when you add them in it basically boils down to more mechs = more firepower = dies faster. The details are more complicated, but the conclusion is fairly sound.

Nope, you can't come to that conclusion. Simply because the number of mechs able to concentrate on a single enemy at one time is a small subset of the total mechs in the match. Unless you walk into an enemy firing line in the open on Polar Highlands, the enemy will have a hard time focusing more than 3-4 mechs on you at one time, assuming they are actually working together. While 8v8 will have fewer mechs, they will also have fewer targets

View PostEl Bandito, on 30 October 2017 - 06:03 PM, said:

8v8 can't come here soon enough. Aside from many things it will improve, such as MM....

You have no basis to assume that. As long as the PSR/Tier system exists as it is, you can't make that assertion as anything other than a WAG.

And forcing 8v8 on the general population is going to cost some players (any major change will). Not ideal in the current declining playerbase environment.

#37 XDevilsChariotX


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 07:07 PM

I think QuickPlay should stay 12v12. If they want to introduce 8v8, make it in the group drops. I bet it don't happen anyway. I'm curious, people that want 8v8 why are you not playing 8v8 comp mode?

#38 Khobai


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 07:14 PM


Nope, you can't come to that conclusion. Simply because the number of mechs able to concentrate on a single enemy at one time is a small subset of the total mechs in the match. Unless you walk into an enemy firing line in the open on Polar Highlands, the enemy will have a hard time focusing more than 3-4 mechs on you at one time, assuming they are actually working together. While 8v8 will have fewer mechs, they will also have fewer targets

more mechs firing at 1 mech is going to kill it faster than less mechs firing at one mech

so yeah youre gonna die faster in 12v12 than 8v8 since theres a higher chance of having more mechs shooting at you, especially if theyre calling targets

more mechs = more focus fire = lower TTK and mechs die faster

thats common sense.


You have no basis to assume that. As long as the PSR/Tier system exists as it is, you can't make that assertion as anything other than a WAG.

theres plenty of basis for it. especially since the game used to be 8v8 before it was 12v12 and it was a better experience.

and comp players prefer 8v8 because its better balanced. the game was originally designed for 8v8 not 12v12. so it makes sense that it would be better balanced in 8v8.

light and medium mechs are much more powerful in 8v8 because they represent a larger portion of their team's overall tonnage. conversely lights and mediums really suffer in 12v12 because of the additional tonnage. Going back to 8v8 is important for restoring parity to the weight classes.


And forcing 8v8 on the general population is going to cost some players (any major change will). Not ideal in the current declining playerbase environment.

doubtful since 8v8 is better. if anything a lot of old players will return to the game who left because it went to 12v12 lol. a lot of people feel 12v12 ruined the game because it threw off weight class balance and removed a lot agency from builds by buffing gunlines and making the long range meta more dominant.

Edited by Khobai, 30 October 2017 - 07:24 PM.

#39 El Bandito


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 07:26 PM

View PostSFC174, on 30 October 2017 - 06:40 PM, said:

You have no basis to assume that. As long as the PSR/Tier system exists as it is, you can't make that assertion as anything other than a WAG.

And forcing 8v8 on the general population is going to cost some players (any major change will). Not ideal in the current declining playerbase environment.

I have simple math to assume that--8v8 naturally has easier and faster matchmaking than 12v12. Also based on the observations of many players and myself, in general lower tiered players ARE worse than higher tiered players.

So what if a few leaves due to 8v8. PGI will gain more players cause many casuals will finally be able to try out this un-optimized mess of a coded game with more than 30 fps, thanks to 8v8. And it will also bring back those who had left, when MWO became 12v12 and fps when down the crapper.

View PostXDevilsChariotX, on 30 October 2017 - 07:07 PM, said:

I think QuickPlay should stay 12v12. If they want to introduce 8v8, make it in the group drops. I bet it don't happen anyway. I'm curious, people that want 8v8 why are you not playing 8v8 comp mode?

Cause comp mode is neither quick to start, nor pug friendly. I want 8v8 pug matches (solo-q included) back. FP can stay 12v12.

Edited by El Bandito, 30 October 2017 - 07:30 PM.

#40 SFC174


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Posted 30 October 2017 - 07:33 PM

View PostKhobai, on 30 October 2017 - 07:14 PM, said:

more mechs firing at 1 mech is going to kill it faster than less mechs firing at one mech

so yeah youre gonna die faster in 12v12 than 8v8 since theres a higher chance of having more mechs shooting at you, especially if theyre calling targets

more mechs = more focus fire = lower TTK and mechs die faster

thats common sense.

theres plenty of basis for it. especially since the game used to be 8v8 before it was 12v12 and it was a better experience.

and comp players prefer 8v8 because its better balanced. the game was originally designed for 8v8 not 12v12. so it makes sense that it would be better balanced in 8v8.

light and medium mechs are much more powerful in 8v8 because they represent a larger portion of their team's overall tonnage. conversely lights and mediums really suffer in 12v12 because of the additional tonnage.

doubtful since 8v8 is better. if anything a lot of old players will return to the game who left because it went to 12v12 lol.

You're simply assuming things not in evidence. The geometry of the game dictates that having more than a few mechs firing at a single target is difficult to achieve at the same time. It's not as simple as more mechs = more damage in the same time period. Maybe TTK will be shorter, but that simple logic doesn't fly. You can't assume that.

As for "better experience", that's an opinion. And the game is nowhere near the same as it was when it was 8v8. The game as it is now is designed for 12v12. So again, facts not in evidence.

And you probably think the Skill Tree is better than what we had, yet the player base took a hit after it came out. Major changes will impact the player base because some people aren't going to like the change. With a growing player base you can absorb that. With a declining one, not a good idea.

You guys who want 8v8, good for you. But its because you like it, remember it fondly, or think it will be better. But there is no evidence it will improve matchmaking, TTK or in game experience. You can make a case that it will improve PC resource utilization, server load, and queue time. Personally I don't think those things are a big deal in Solo QP. I still want them to address player ranking and MM before they try something like 8v8.

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