Kin3ticX, on 01 November 2017 - 01:52 AM, said:
I am not trying to stop alpha strikes. Alpha strike is MWOs dirty secret. Alpha strike damage should be controlled better better but crushed down to 20 or 30 pts, certainly not chainfire only.
I agree that a 20-30 point alpha is about the mark.
However before any system is implemented some upper limit on alphas has to be agreed upon, otherwise we are just chasing our tails. Any system will be gamed with the inevitable backlash that X alpha or Y mech being OP. Please nerf. Look at the history of OP mechs in this game. From my admittedly poor memory.
Gausapault (30 dmg)
Streakcat (18 all CT)
Splatcat (36+)
AC40 Jager (40)
Laser Vomit Banshee (50+)
5LPL Battlemaster 2c (55, now 50)
3 UAC5 Ilya (15/30 + high rate of fire)
6ppc Stalker
and on and on. And yet not one of these is competitive today and the solutions to nerf them have all but crippled other builds particularly builds that rely on only one of those weapons systems that made those OP mechs powerful.
By today;s standards the Alpha on these mechs was insignificant yet they were complained about endlessly and consequently nerfed. Most decent Clan builds are doing 70+ (on heavies).
No amount of ghost heat linking or any other system will work until an upper limit to pinpoint damage can be agreed upon. Powerdraw was on the right track with an upper limit of 30, but the implementation was rubbish.