JackalBeast, on 05 November 2017 - 01:53 PM, said:
Because you know comp play is the entire game.
wait for it....
Let me break this down for you. Scouting is weird because it only contains Lights and Mediums. You can't say that because scouting matches are balanced/leaning one way that that is indicating anything about overall tech balance.
Scouting is also part of Faction Play, where matchmaking is non-existent, and population balance is also a huge factor, so its difficult to draw conclusions from FP as a whole, let alone scouting.
That leaves comp and quick play. The competitive queue is where you get teams that are of similar skill level picking the absolute best mechs for certain maps, to fulfill certain roles on the battlefield. Quick play has some semblance of a matchmaker that is limited by PSR's accuracy, but players can take whatever they want, and it includes mechs from both factions and all weight classes.
You are correct in that the comp playerbase is small, but that playerbase would also be the more competent group of players. Obvious trends like selecting 90+% Clan when it comes to mech choice, is absolutely indicative of a balance problem. Its also the only data we have access too other than our own personal stats. If it was 60/40, I would be singing a different tune, but 90% is incredibly biased.
I know that for quick play, if I sort out the top 20 mechs in terms of average damage, 6 of them are IS, and only one of the top 5 is IS, and it just got a durability nerf and its loadout got ghost heat added to it.
If I sort out the top 20 mechs in terms of KDR, 6 of them are IS.
If I sort out the top 20 mechs in terms of WLR, 8 of them are IS.
JackalBeast, on 05 November 2017 - 02:04 PM, said:
What gets buffed?
Echo echo echo echo.....
I would like some of my IS assaults to have the same capability of man-handling solo queue matches as certain Clan assaults do, if that isn't too much to ask.
Edited by Gas Guzzler, 05 November 2017 - 02:15 PM.