lazorbeamz, on 14 November 2017 - 05:01 AM, said:
Thats not true really. The diffirence between laser vomit cancer builds and specialised brawlers point blank isnt that great.
For example
hellbringer 2xHeavy large 4 er Med
sustained dps 4.7
UAC10, MRM30, 2xmed las
sustained dps 5.56
2xcUAC10, 2xer medlas
sustained dps 5.7
So you are getting a ~25% dps increase but when you get into brawling you are already missing a couple of side torsos because hitscan alpha strikes at 400m.
Clan DHS spam in particular makes clan lasers a brawler's choice with an added option of poking.
Edit: The builds you posted are for poking/trading since you've got less CD than the enemy and can chase him a bit to shoot once more.
Okay, I've now read through 3 pages of (almost) pure bullshittery and this really isn't getting any better.
How bout you stop forgetting that heat exists.
The mechlab is very bugged, the sustained dps doesn't mean anything.
BTW, since when are MRM's or UACs meant for brawling? They've got duration.
How bout you take a real brawler?
Warhammer with 2 LBX-20?
Shadowhawk with AC20+3SRM4 with massive cooldown quirks?
Roughneck with an LBX+3SRM6?
Are you even in the slightest aware what will happen with the Clan 'Mech that equips heavy large and MLs?
The Clan 'Mech will have a downtime of ~7 seconds after dealing ~60-80 dmg (that is horrendously spread and maybe has effective damage of ~20-30) and then being at 90% heat since he produces ~57 heat. (2HLL+4ERML)
The brawler will shoot, deal ~40-50 dmg and his downtime will be around 3-4 seconds, depending on quirks and skill nodes, while producing 10 heat (2 LBX-20), 15 heat (AC20+3SRM4) or 14 heat (LBX-10+3SRM6).
Maybe the Laser build will be able to shoot once more, increasing his effective damage to ~50-60. And then he's dead while the brawler lost a bit of paint. (Pure dramatic effect, of course it's not that easy)
With this, you can effectively trade half the armor (only counting CT and STs) of a 55 ton mech vs a 85 ton mech. Maybe less, maybe more. Doesn't matter my point stands.
Or is the problem that you can't oneshot people when carrying brawler equipment? Maybe take a 'Mech that has the right hitboxes for brawling and not a Cicada next time?
Stop talking about balance if you are not capable of viewing things objectively.
Edited by Bonzai VI, 14 November 2017 - 03:30 PM.